Why do you hate novas



Looking at some old theads it seems dat you have a prob with novas
i would just like to say iv had 3 nova and 2 K10s and i think they are as good as each other.
Some people do just like some have problems with corsa's or micra's!
It's just a taste thing, I don't like them if not done up right but do if they are!
the only cars i hate are waste of space cars,

like SUVs that have never been off road and 12 foot long two door beamers,

the micra is exactly the right size for me and i don't want anything bigger. so novas are ok ;)
personally i like novas that are pretty much standard. The squared off arches and the profile of the thing i think is pretty neat. If modified properly they can look really nice however if done wrong they can look like a dyson hoover.
I like nova's was gonna sell my k10 super s to get one. the one i was gonna get was a standard lookin nova sr 1.3 but it had twin weber 40's on it.

they sounded the absolute nuts and the car was quite cool but didnt bother in the end. but yeah some novas are good others arnt, but then again its like that with every other car including micras, in my opinion there are some really good micras on this site and some not so good ones, so the same could be said about k10's

main thing is I love my K10 and it would take a lot for me to change it.
the only novas i tend to like purely for the design ewtc are the old '67 nova's :p
purely for the american cadillac look

but i have had a nova (never drove it once)
but even that was a shed.

it the same with any car.
good ones bad ones.
same with micras.
LOADS oare sheds. some good ones.
i drove one once.... into a sierra :p (worked in a scrappy:D) but on a serous note i like the arches and the overall shape of the nova but the motors are a bit pants, there is 1 up here its dropped a bit on the gsi 3 spokes and dark blue paint very std looking but must have a 2.0 in it as it left me,a sunny,a rover620 and an astra:O (on private land) only seems to come out at night tho
i tink they get a bad name cos there seems to be no variation in the drivers there soo steriotytpical, either chavs or grannys, wareas the micra has a wide folowing, chavs,alt`s,busnessmen and women,grannys,first time drivers, i got asked off my new boss what the fascination weith the humble micra is and i simply replyed because its soo tunable, and stated how easy to tune and strong the engines are all he said after that as blodey hell!! i didnt realise that :p
Id say the 1.4 and 1.6 are very capable. The 1.4 is about the speed
0-60 as a 1.3 Micra. Out of a group of 4 of my mates they have had Three 1.2's (CG10 micra is quicker, although not to far off) Five 1.4's including a conversion to a 1.4 (CG13 is a very close speed wise, the Micra is quicker in one gear but then the Nova will be quicker in another) One 1.6, One 2.0, and another 2.0 in progress (obviously these will beat any standard Micra!)

Tariq: 1.4SR, 1.2Luxe+, 1.2 Merit, 1.4SR, 1.4SR, then turned the 1.2 Merit into a 1.4 which he is driving now (very complicted story!)

Jim: 1.4SR, 1.2Luxe+, 1.3 Super S Micra, 1.3 SR Micra, 2.0 GTE (drives 1.3SR Micra and 2.0GTE)

Paul: 1.4SR, 1.4Merit (was a 1.2Merit, then turned into a 1.4, then had a full 1.6GSi conversion) now he's getting a 2.0 put in...

Holly: 1.2Merit and 1.4SR

None of these, apart from one was a bit barry

and finally, Four of those cars where brought and sold between them! I personally would have a mint 1.4SR over a K10.....sorry! But there are definetly cack ones out there! K11 is miles better though! Obviously!!
RE: RE: Why do you hate novas

R05_Micra said:
i hate nova's, biggest charv car going, and look silly done up and sound hideouse! sorry people, rant over! :D

Could Not Have Said It Any Better!
RE: RE: Why do you hate novas

Retepetsir said:
There was a 300bhp Nova on Ebay a few weeks ago, I certainly wouldnt mind having something like that!

ye but drop a 2.0ltr in a micra ,,tune it and it will kill it:devil:

vauxhall is no match for nissan,,,,,never has bin never will be
Its not the cars its the prats that drive em driving home the other day a nova 5ft away from my rear bumper ok poodling along at 60 an this nova overtakes 3 kids given the Maxwell house hand gesture that was like a red rag to a bull the road was quiet so i booted it an touched 130 mph leavin em way behind good job no camerasgrr:devil:
so basicly what ur sayin is... u did twice the speed limit? isnt that just as bad as going 6ft away from someones bumper? u say dicks drive nova's but i'd use the same word for someone driving 130mph on the public carridgeway? wouldnt u?
riff i seriously would recommend keepin those story to yourself, otherwise you will get banned, some one once said they where doing 90 in a 30.... we havent seen him for a while
90 in a 30 is alright...becuase 90 is a unitary perfect number wich is the sum of its positive proper unitary divisions, not including the number itself....haha, 130 isnt tho...
riff...if u have to do 130...do it in a truck, then if u dont crash...u win....if u do crash....u win....
Sorry M8 my artic will only do 56 mph but b4 speed limiters were made compulsory we ran at 80 to 85mph like the irish lads do now lol:p