Who's this?


Ex. Club Member


Names in blue, meaning admin/mod/editor but there's no name on the Members list
Ed said:
Blue are also not yet approved accounts i think.

yes there are, I'll see if the colour can be changed to something like a bogey green lol!

People that either
  • Haven't activated their account by clicking the email confirmation yet or
  • Awaiting COPPA moderation
I've changed the colour to green now :)

Comes with vBulletin as standard, I don't know how much of it applies to us but we use it anyway:
[SIZE=-1]The United States Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, effective April 21, 2000, applies to the online collection of personal information by persons or entities under U.S. jurisdiction from children under 13. It spells out what a Web site operator must include in a privacy policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent and what responsibilities an operator has to protect children's privacy and safety online.[/SIZE]
As our server is hosted in the United States, I believe we have to have this in place