No bags on mine either, it's only a 95 LX, can't say I'd care if anyone removed their airbag myself, old bags are known for being problematic at best.
I'd be more worried about seat belts myself before bags, from memory they are supposed to be replaced every 12 years at the max, 8 years recommended depending on inspection I think, but how many people do you know who actually do that?.
My HKB Boss showed today, threw me a bit of a curve as I opened the bag and found another brands boss box, big WTF moment, then opened the box to find a genuine sealed HKB boss box and kit inside it.
Boss kits looks well designed if maybe a little rough in the alloy casting, but I have seen a lot worse boss kits around lately, no idea of the fit just yet, still not ordered my steering wheel, capped internet and ebay don't mix well...