wheel-hub nut covers

I'm getting my steels powdercoated white next week but this is gonna leave the wheel nuts exposed and the wheel-hub nut exposed... now on the rears I have these metal covers over the hub nuts (k10 had them too with "Micra" written on them) but the front wheels don't have them. Does anyone have any(two) I could buy off them for the fronts to cover the ganky wheel-hub nuts?

Cheers guys :grinning:

EDIT: anyone know about locking steel-wheel nuts? Had a Google around but not found any to buy
you should be able to find new nuts on ebay! also i have seen a few of those covers in the scrappies are they called grease cups?
ahh I've not heard them called that, will keep that in mind. I can find new nuts but not locking ones for steel wheels- they have a different taper t alloy wheel nuts don't they? I'm not too sure
well i have got locking wheel nuts on my alloys yeah but wouldnt know about locking wheel nuts for steelies i know what your after though....
after looking online they are not called grease cups... dont know where i got that from but look like these:
http://www.beedspeed.com/images/HubNutCover36mm.jpg only with micra stickered in the middle.
for mopeds mind:
some nice ones but dont know prices etc.
ahh thanks, yeah I didn't think you'd be able to buy them so I was going to opt for the genuine micra ones out of lack of choice! I'll have a good look around for plastic hub nut covers... anyone know the dimension of the hub nut? lol. I'll have t have a measure when I have chance!
just to let y'all know, turns out there's no difference between steely and alloy nuts as long as you match the seat, thread pitch and diameter.
here's the hubcaps
DSC02449 copy..jpg DSC02448 copy..jpg

whereabouts ya based v12? cos i'll be setting off on my holiday drive around the uk from beginning of may and could drop em off when i'm nearby
yep just line em up square then gently tap em on. is a fiver ok with you? could ya pm me ur address for me gps. prob bout late wednesday/early thurs i'll pass by ;)

just wondering pollyp, what's the best way to remove the rear covers? I plan on spraying the whole set before fitting the ones you sold me :)
with a chisel, place between the lip of the cap and hub, tap with hammer, rotate 90deg & repeat. when the cap is 3mm out i put a large flathead screwdriver in the gap and turn to force the cap off

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