What's this then?

Micra 110

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Was shown this the other day, What do you think it is? :upside:

Thats a saxo, or maybe a k11 looks like a subaru version haha looks photoshoped big time and with the micra in the back ground
its not a k10 windows dont look right, plus that k10 in the back is on theis forum, or was anyways, cant remember his/her name.
can no one else see this is photoshoped?? look at the bonnet leading onto the front window its sitting higher than the side windows also and the bonnet going onto the light on the right hand side doesnt look rite either and the spoiler on the back :D
can no one else see this is photoshoped?? look at the bonnet leading onto the front window its sitting higher than the side windows also and the bonnet going onto the light on the right hand side doesnt look rite either and the spoiler on the back :D

D'uuuuuuh :p
Wow its a K10? i was deffinatly going with a saxo (or even a mk3 fiesta because of the squareness of the roof/windows) Pretty mad skills in the photoshop department though!!(Y)
Got to give it too the digimod guys! i practically lived on the bible section for months, learning how to do it lol
Lol this thread was getting worse than comments pages on youtube! Your all wrong its actually a real photo, i saw it on the roads the other day, someone with an impreza got rear ended by a k10 so the dude decided to be resourceful and buy the k10 and tow it home.
