What's going on Cisco?!?


» CMF Member
Member since:
Ok come on Cisco, tell us why you are selling every micra related thing you own?

how can you abandon micras it doesn't make sense!!

put our minds at ease and say something comforting lol,


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hmm lemme think. Ok here's something..

"I love micras!!! And everything's gunna be allright!".

I am struggling with the thought of trying to put a price on blue monster though. I feel like I am selling a part of myself! So close after all this ****, car ready to drive straight in and get registered. I might stick it out a bit longer, register it, see how we go after that.


Certainly had a decent cleanout of "centimental" parts that I just had lying around though didn't I :p


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» CMF Member
Member since:
Nah I just went to change the coolant and when I needed to flush it, and turn on the engine to warm it up - and the battery was dead flat. I just completely wigged out and cracked. Because the car was parked close to the wall, so I couldn't get in and out easily, and the battery is bolted down underneath the seat, so I needed to squeeze the fairmont near it for a jump start, otherwise charge the battery and try again the next day.

Just generally cracked and said "that's it!!!".

But I think I have manned up a bit and built some energy back up now.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Lol yeah I thought bout that when i was thinking of relocating..and then thinking what an arse it would be to jump start, etc.

I even thought maybe you could put another terminal where you'd join the postive extension to the orginal postive in the engine bay, cap it and use them for jump starting

but then how often do you jump start cars.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah you're right.

I can jump start it from out of the engine bay. The terminal is still accessible there.

But yerr just a pain :) Again, if the car was driving, this wouldn't even be a problem. I am going to finish changing the coolant today and get the thing registered.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Oh yeh a couple of the UK guys have had the same problems with their Odessy batteries.

To put it simply, you need a new one. Something about the plates oxidising? I dunno, but the battery is stuffed basically.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah I would never buy another one again. For the price, not the best investment I have made. I'll get a DEKA next time and try that.


» CMF Member
Member since:
the Deka is an AGM battery where the odessey are gel based..

for a little reading:

AGM Pro's: better cycling and depth of dischager over the wet or gell batteries. While most wet batteries are supposed to only go to about 50% depth of discharge, the AGM's are able to go to about 20% depth of discharge without harming them PROVIDED that you don't overcharge them at too high a voltage on their return. What does this mean in numbers? If you have a Golf Cart battery that is 220 amp/hours for both the wet and the AGM, then the AGM would be able to have 176 ah. of useful capacity (220 X .80) vs. the wet battery at 110 amp/hours.

When comparing price for value's sake, if the GPL-4C costs $205.29 for 176 ah, that is a value of $1.16/ah. vs the wet battery at $69.20/110ah. with a value of $.623/ah. (54%). So why would a person buy an AGM? Read on.

AGM's need no watering and will receive a charge faster than wet batteries or Gell batteries. How much faster?

Concorde, our manufacturer of the Lifeline series, says over twice as fast. Throw Peukert's law out the window: the physical compression of the plates in the cell compartment, when coupled with the better quality of materials in an AGM give it far less internal resistance than the other types. Practically speaking this means less time to recharge your batteries while underway.

AGM's can be mounted in any position, require no room for venting and therefore can be installed in living quarter sections of your boat. This can be especially important if you already have a cramped space in mind for your batteries. Under the bunk, in the lazarette, under the molded seating area, or way up in the dark part of your boat are just fine for the AGM's. Also, because of the low internal resistance of the batteries, they were tested by the Coast Guard for their potential for explosion and they passed with flying colors (excuse the pun) by not exploding when heated to 200 degrees f., then dead shorted! So these are some amazing batteries.

AGM's also are virtually maintenance free: although everyone should visually check the terminals and general condition (for swelling, corrosion, black post, or high temperature) of a battery at least every six months, or before a big trip. The charts that Lifeline has also state that they have more life cycles than Gell Cell batteries (insert chart). Will they last longer than the wet lead acid batteries? Who knows: we have an old addage in the battery stores that states that "batteries don't die, their owners kill them."

AGM Con's: Price is pretty stiff when compared with the wet lead acid batteries--generally by 2 or 3 times. This difference begins to fade if any of the above items listed are important to you: cramped space, no maintenance, difficult mounting, rapid recharge, explosion-proof and non-gassing. But if you are from Missouri, the Show-Me state, and if you don't need any of the fancy features, and you are willing to slosh a little water or acid on your jeans from time to time, then the wet lead acid battery is a tough design to beat overall. As a value of Dollars per Amp/hour or Dollars per year life expectancy, the AGM takes a back seat to the wet lead acid battery if you don't need any bells and whistles.

Gell Cell (or gelled electrolyte where the acid is suspended in silica) Pro's: According to some of the folks who really need a higher number of shallow cycles, the gell cells do better. This contradicts the Lifeline chart but the folks who use the Kangaroo Kaddy and some wheel chair folks claim that the gell cells last for a longer period of time. At our stores, we have seen both AGM and Gell Cells poop out with too much cycling. I think that the jury is still out on this "Pro." This isn't much of a "Pro" is it?

Gell Cells were the first and some of the original Prevailer batteries from Sonnenschein are still out there. Exide has bought the brand and the technology from the Germans and is selling them today. We currently do not sell Gell Cells or any other gelled electrolyte batteries where the acid is suspended in silica. Read on for more Con's.

Gell Cell Con's: Price and a convincing argument that they hold up better and longer than the AGM batteries.

Although they were the first, they are not very popular at all any more. Perhaps this is yesterday's technology that has moved on.

Gell Cells do not do well in high heat locations (over 80 degrees f.) because of the voids that develop as the gelled acid hardens with cycling. As it hardens and dries, the capacity diminishes and the battery begins to swell as if ready to hatch. The voids that develop as the hardened acid pulls away from the plates is another reason for lost capacity. Eventually, the silica suspended acid pulls away from the plate and is no longer useful in the charging or discharging process.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Nice little bit of reading aaron.

However it seems to be a fairly biased article and I would have my doubts about its source(s) and the overall vailidity of the points raised.

PS: I don't like Exide batteries. They have a nasty habbit of failing at random.


» CMF Member
Member since:
thanks for puting my mind at ease cisco :)

i know what its like when it all goes tits up, but when that happens you just have to do something else until the micra draws you back :)

like i got sooo fed up with my car i didn't even look at it for a week and then i built a go cart out of a moped and i got right back in the mood for modding :D

but mate you can't sell old bluey, even if i had the money to buy it right now i would still rather you had it because that way it will get all the care and attention it needs :)

anyway mate if you really feel like a change then do it before you sell Bluey and then you can always come back to it :)
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cisco. you can never ever ever sell this car. no what you mean about cracking though. been there before. get it registered, enjoy driving it then see if you wanna sell it (which you wont, oh wait ive just give up the plot of my devious plan lol) just htink there is only a tiny bit more left to do! you can do it man


» CMF Member
Member since:
I think you you need is to pull up next to a yobbo in a WRX then make him bend over and recieve the spanking of a life time. :D Hell, you could probably pull up next to a Murcielago and still give him a spanking :D~~~ Better yet, take it to an air-force base and as an F14 is about to take off, pull up next to him and rev your engine twice! Muwhaha