well heres what i did, alarm clock went off at 9.30, so i turned it off and went back to sleep till 12.39pm, made food, 4sausage, 2eggs, 4bacon, 2toast, full tin of beans. took the dog for a walk.
then went to bury for a mooch round some breakers in a bid to find a replacement spoiler, as mine was stolen, no luck, went to pick up a friend from work to get me the 20quid he ows me. then i came home and im currently sat with a laptop on my lap, typing this. interestering day.
later i will be going out for a meal with the parents because its my mums birthday, then probably meet my friends(yes i do have friends) in the pub and drink till early hours or till my mum rings and say you should of been in a 9:30 you little B4s74rd