What have you found in your car?

What is the most interesting thing you have discovered in your car when you got it?

When I first bought my K11, I pulled the central fascia out after a month to replace the crappy cassette player and found blueprints for a football pitch and a very old cheque for £100 to a credit card company (somebody never paid their bills).

Wondered if anything similar had happened to anyone else?
Weird!! U should sell them on e-bay lol!!

The only interesting thing, if you want to call it interesting lol, i have found in mine is a tiny game boy game. Or maybe it was the advance one!! Still deciding whether it's worth sending back to the last owners son lol!!
the best thing i found,
was in a k10 super s i bought was when i was stripping out the interia under the carpet i foung nearly £15 in change, not too bad to say a only gave £40 for the car.
when i had a tyre changed a screwdriver fell out of the old tyre and on an escort i bought the spare wheel well under the wheel was full of porn mags and dvds
I found the car to be full of rust.... LOL

erm, I've found odd forgein coins and lots of ash inbetween the console and the gear surround (some one smoked alot).
In my K10 I found loads of stuff including a brand new boxed set of K10 brake pads, a working disc steering lock, one used but good nick brake caliper, a Haynes manual, a new timing belt, a new air filter, a sponge and some kind of religous necklace, aswell as a couple of other non-K10 items which I dunno what they are really. Which...when considering the car only cost £20...was quite good really! A friend of mine's daily drive is a US Police car. All with proper police livery on it. It was an ex NYPD car, which was then sold to a film company, and then my mate bought it off them. In that he found 2 bullet holes and when he took the carpet out found the ID badge of a cop!
in my Triumph i found several 1960's road maps and a couple of service manuals under the rear seats. In my current daily mazda 323 i found the previous owners diasbled parking badge and behind the glove box various parts and petrol recepts dating back to 1983.
c'mon then, how much was petrol back then in the 70's lol? im yet to find anything intresting, found 50-odd pence in the brava, went round the industrial estate food van n got a chip-butty lol, when i sold the car, the guy came to mine with some pics asking if they were mine lol, they wernt like....
I found a scottish 5 pound note and a black thong when my cd fell down the back of the glove box lol. I thought i had gone mad, feeling for my Tevion cd and findin out it had turned in to a thong and a dodgy fiver lol :D
the guy who had the car before me left his house keys and garage key in my first k11, and nothing exciting in my fiesta apart from dog hairs
when i owned a mg maestro 2.0 efi i found £70 quid in oily notes under the seat !! best ever find i had.

I found a scottish 5 pound note and a black thong when my cd fell down the back of the glove box lol. I thought i had gone mad, feeling for my Tevion cd and findin out it had turned in to a thong and a dodgy fiver lol :D

thats just made me laugh !!
I used to have a mk3 fiesta and found a dead bat in it one day, i think it flew in one night and couldn't escape!! Scared the poo poo out of my mate when he got in the back for a lift!!

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