what did you do to your micra today ?

I have corners and speed bumps and backroads to take. ;)

Eh scott? Bit embarrassing my cars faster because you get stuck on grains of sand ;)
That is NOT an excuse for not having moar lows, I'm extremely disappointed in you.

*Hides his standard ride hight facelift*

'Sent from my bed using paper planes'
Collected her from Matt Humphris, who has welded in his rear beam strengthening kit, also he replaced the front top mounts which needed doing, all for a very good deal. Top Bloke and one of Wales Rally GB sponsors :)

Oh and very much enjoyed the blast across the lanes coming home :)
Collected her from Matt Humphris, who has welded in his rear beam strengthening kit, also he replaced the front top mounts which needed doing, all for a very good deal. Top Bloke and one of Wales Rally GB sponsors :)

Oh and very much enjoyed the blast across the lanes coming home :)
Is the rear beam weak then? I always thought it was solid as anything, I remember frank struggling to bend it with a 20T bottle jack and chain...
They do bend around the curves where the beam bends up and around for the rear hubs.

This will be the cars first proper forestry event, and after the WRC boys have been through it will look like a minefield in places!
I thought that but which ever is weaker might get more camber. I guess if a sledge hammer was involved then it may be more controlled.
i ton of chain tension would probably flex the tops in about 10mm ed, but they would just spring back, the sledge would deter that return :)
thats what i had to do when i piecut mine, i had induced some toe-in on 1 of the wheels !, so i had to sledge that toe-in away, before welding it :)
they're something else ;)
nothing but the best eh dave ;) and pics or ban !
fiiiiiinally found out why cyl 3 on one of my high comp engines was drinking oil/piston wetting :mad:, damn oil control ring had deep expander ring wearspots (and was trapping the rings into the groove after fitment)
Something that I did in hazard perception click as soon as you see the hazard then leave like 2 maybe 3 seconds and click for it again might work :p but good luck anyway :)

Worked for me.

I used to click too soon and got 0/5 so I made sure I clicked again a second or so later to make sure I got something
Something that I did in hazard perception click as soon as you see the hazard then leave like 2 maybe 3 seconds and click for it again might work :p but good luck anyway :)

i do that anyway haha, im just rubbish at it haha

Worked for me.

I used to click too soon and got 0/5 so I made sure I clicked again a second or so later to make sure I got something

ive done that aswell hahaha, ill get it this time!!!

Got 47.0 miles from £10

= 28.7 MPG

What causes poor fuel consumption?

Me driving I normally get 60 or so so im a little concerned at 47 =/
Fitted my OSRAM Night Breaker Plus bulbs this morning/

The colour isn't AS nice as my others but the spread and distance for standard 55w bulbs is amazing.

To top it all off, E marked fully road legal

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