WAHOO, YIPPEE, DIPP ADDY DOO DAA, DIPP ADDY AAAAA, my OH! my what a wonderful day ... you know the rest.
Passed my MOT today (sobs) tears of joy. Passed it with a bit of tape stuck over that bleddy light. Un-bleddy believable, two seatbelts, and now a new car to collect, GOT IT.
Anyway, while at the station, the tester showed me the rule regarding the airbag light straight from the MOT test site.
If the light comes on and does not go off in sequence, or stays on ...its a fail. IF it does not come on, its an advisory ... end of.
So there you are, that's how to pass that stupid new law, take the bulb out, or tape it up, its a pass, (as a few said on here)
Now, does anybody want two seatbelts with pre-tensioners, or a car ???? LOL

Am I happy or not, answers on a postcard please.