WDID...last couple of days...
yesterday I had my group interview...at
11am...till almost 1pm
so I drove her down...parked her up...and went on in.
...wasn't overly enthused by my fellow interviewees, all but one, besides myself, seemed....bored to be honest <_<
...granted these sort of things are cheesy, but that's kinda the idea...so they can see what kind of person you are, if you'll come outta your shell, suit the companies needs etc...
when I got home...I got changed out of my smart stuff into my dirty jeans and t-shirt (for diggin' in the garden)
went to Wickes
2:30pm...to buy 2 lots of 5 planks of wood, one bag of cement and two bags of ballast...
had to fold down the front passenger seat (roll it back as far as it would go) and fold the big half of the rear split fold down...dad sat in the single rear seat...was....an interesting drive home
5:45pm phone rings...
"Hi Jennifer...I'd like to invite you in for a 1 to 1 interview....
ummm yes please!!!!! ^_^
well chuffed, spent another hour in the garden digging a hole for a concrete fence post
7:45am Drove to the carboot sale that my dad and I have been boycotting for the last month (they raised the buyers entry fee from 50p to £1!

ended up coming straight home as it was cancelled...YES!!!

... bunch of pansies can't handle a bit of rain
10:45 took some stuff down to the charity shop in town...mum came howm with a sexy vase *facepalm* and she thinks me and dad are bad.
11:45 popped down to the RSPCA to drop off/donate an old cat/dog bed and a big blanket
...then went around the kennels and catteries...if our Bella wasn't such a cow we'd have brought home at least another 3 cats LOL
12:20 Helped dad carry one of the massive concrete posts (we bought them last week) down to where he could them a bit (the exsisting ones are 2m long (1.4 sticking out of the ground) the new ones are 2.4m long...and we didin't want to dig another 40cm to line them up LOL
at just after
1pm I drove to my Interview...got there...30 minutes early

the manager who was interviewing me was able to start early...which was nice...
his name's Gavin, was mildly disapointed he's nothing like Gavin in trollied

Had to lend him my pen, which technically is really bad, made us giggle
....and after about 20 minutes he told me that the induction was next saturday and I'll be starting proper on monday week

then did 20 minutes "have a go" on the department I'll be working...bit scared, lots of machines...but not an oven or toaster in sight

...there is a sink though LOL
so.....I have JOB!!!!!!!!!!!! yay...
and My Micra was, as ever, awesome....although...she really needs a bath now
Edit:....by the way...in the group interview they laughed at me for loving my Micra.....bet they ain't laughing now eh?