What’s Your Dream K11 Part? OR Parts?

Cg13 with cams and lightening done, revving to about 9000, 1 litre box, nismo arches and lips, wider watanabes, black dash and interior, door cards to match my G# seats and my disc rear axle

Sent from my LG K11+ (yes I did buy the phone specifically to have a K11 phone, I'm that sad)
Cg13 with cams and lightening done, revving to about 9000, 1 litre box, nismo arches and lips, wider watanabes, black dash and interior, door cards to match my G# seats and my disc rear axle

Sent from my LG K11+ (yes I did buy the phone specifically to have a K11 phone, I'm that sad)
Atleast someone replied ??
Hks rainbow backbox, stainless exhaust, cube manifold or rep, with possible matching cams stainless solid fuel/brake line or steel (don't like the look of copper), possibly BC coilovers with rose joint topmouts (depends if I can still run the same hight with decent ride ect), rear pollybushes with adjustable trailing arms , lsd (for rain and snow), slx folding rear seat base setup recovered in inspiration to match,
Then full respray either a custom yellow based on the faded flat or metallic or mazda metallic yellow

Sent from my moto g(6) using Micra Sports Club mobile app
Hks rainbow backbox, stainless exhaust, cube manifold or rep, with possible matching cams stainless solid fuel/brake line or steel (don't like the look of copper), possibly BC coilovers with rose joint topmouts (depends if I can still run the same hight with decent ride ect), rear pollybushes with adjustable trailing arms , lsd (for rain and snow), slx folding rear seat base setup recovered in inspiration to match,
Then full respray either a custom yellow based on the faded flat or metallic or mazda metallic yellow

Sent from my moto g(6) using Micra Sports Club mobile app

Many company’s producing the lsd now?
Gripper and Matt Humphrey I believe be the easiest to find ,or some euro ones had lsd, but the shafts seem different and arnt as good, tbh kinda pointless on a fairly stock n/a but less spinnig and one wheel wonders in the snow , wet ect that are so annoyingly easy to do lol

Sent from my moto g(6) using Micra Sports Club mobile app
Gripper and Matt Humphrey I believe be the easiest to find ,or some euro ones had lsd, but the shafts seem different and arnt as good, tbh kinda pointless on a fairly stock n/a but less spinnig and one wheel wonders in the snow , wet ect that are so annoyingly easy to do lol

Sent from my moto g(6) using Micra Sports Club mobile app
Matt hump seems to be the man in the U.K.
I’ve never had dealings with him but the feedback he gets seems positive