Wet passenger side floor

As it says in the title. The floor in my girlfriends micra was pretty damp yesterday after some very heavy rain. So she would have been driving through puddles and standing water etc. Is there any common faults that I should know about? Otherwise any ideas on what the cause might be?

if the cars old it might be a perished rubber seal of the wiper panel plastic clip-in and/or the green lower windscreen locating plastic peg, both of which are located just above the heater fan inlet.
when damaged, water runs down the windscreen, past the clips/pegs, through the rubber seal, into the fan blower and down onto the passenger floor and possibly across onto the ecu.

theres pics on my blog when it happened to me
blocked drainholes in the sills maybe ? (does it have a sunroof ?)

It does have a sunroof but its dry as a bone. I will need to check the sills this weekend.

Pollyp the car is a 98. Thanks for the info, I will also check this at the weekend. Hopefully something simple.
if the cars old it might be a perished rubber seal of the wiper panel plastic clip-in and/or the green lower windscreen locating plastic peg, both of which are located just above the heater fan inlet.
when damaged, water runs down the windscreen, past the clips/pegs, through the rubber seal, into the fan blower and down onto the passenger floor and possibly across onto the ecu.

theres pics on my blog when it happened to me

Today is the first chance I have had to have a proper look. I have lifted the floor and the soundproofing is soaked. I cant see any holes on the floor so I'm ruling that out. I want to investigate your suggestion more pollyp, but I cant see any of the photos in your blog. Has anyone got pictures or more of a guide as to where to look on the car.
This is what I have done to try and eliminate the possibility that the leak is from the bottom of the windscreen:




Next plan is to seal the plastic clip in part so that the water can't get past it in the first place.

What did you do on yours pollyp?
you need to lift the carpet and watertest the car with a hose first really, and a couple of members have had problems with the sunroof drainpipes filling the sills up with water and then running into the floor
This is what I have done to try and eliminate the possibility that the leak is from the bottom of the windscreen:




Next plan is to seal the plastic clip in part so that the water can't get past it in the first place.

What did you do on yours pollyp?

wow thats a full seal job. yep i removed the three plastic clips and resealed em back on

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for the sunroof drain that could flood the blocked sills, either drill some drain holes or bypass the drain pipes to exit straight down

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Today is the first chance I have had to have a proper look. I have lifted the floor and the soundproofing is soaked. I cant see any holes on the floor so I'm ruling that out. I want to investigate your suggestion more pollyp, but I cant see any of the photos in your blog. Has anyone got pictures or more of a guide as to where to look on the car.

pic was on post #32
Thanks for all your help guys. The car has been in the garage all week while my gf was on holiday so hopefully it has dried out and she can test it in the rain now.

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