Well here we go again,


Ex. Club Member
Trust me to be a fabricator!

Just been messing with my car,

hasn't finished yet but getting there!


holy s*** i thought we were gonna give that a miss for now, anyway it will probs be best for us to remove the bonnet for us to easily attach the mesh with the bonding stuff.

dont forget your healmet is in the garage.

we will have to get cracking tomorow to fill that gaping hole.

if i were you i would take it into college and get it painted black, and not try and spray it with a can as it wouldnt look as good.

i think a trip to B&Q to get some more mesh is in order though.

we gonna look at fitting a computer and touch screen??

i would love to do that mod :p

Cya laters jackassuk

ps, dont cut that centre bit that is left as i seem to rember that thats how the bonnet latches down :p, you could look at triming it down but nothing more.
he said:

looks good james but like you said to me earlier i thought you were going to leave it.

i should be the sites translator. seeing as my own handwriting is soo apauling, i am able to translate allmost anything (except doctors handwriting, no one can read that.)

Thats me finished 4 the night. 2moro i start work on it at 8 :d oh and i got another plan but its a secret