Weird staring problem!


Ex. Club Member
This is really weird!

My micra used to start first time, EVERY time. I think twice sinse i had it before this weekend it only started second time 2 or 3 times at the most, and never needed more then two attempts.

But its taken a very funny turn...

Sinse the weekend, when its cold (not been ran for a good day), it just doesnt wna start no more!

The starter motor turns (at a good speed), so its not the battery. But all it does is chug (100 rpm) for a second and jus die again.

It takes about 4 or 5 attempts to start, and needs alot of right toe when it "chugs" to get it to fire properly.

It isnt plugs, they have been done recently, its coilpack ignition so its not HT or dizzy. It has been serviced recently too.

I have no idea what it could be, once it gets running, it runs perfectly fine like it normally does...

Any ideas? Cheers guys :)

- Im also going to try resetting the ECU tonight, incase it learnt something n0rty when i was running it with the throttle body unplugged. (I also hope its not the fact my throttle body is knackered that my car no longer starts, dont have that kinda £££ to fix it)
Staring problem? o_O, :eek: or :wow:? :wasntme:

Does the usual unflooding procedure make any difference?
my old one used to do that all i had to do is put a jump start pack on and it would fire up
but that could of been the battery
every so often it doesn't go first time and floods.

Take fuse out for fuel pump and try starting it, put it back in and it should go fine then.
hey people my car kinda does that too i charged my battery up and filled wiv water then tried it but still the same. i spoke 2 my dad he rekons just gettin damp cos it not bein used much. wen it happens to me i just get me dad to push or toe me then it starts.

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