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Wee Mighty!

Congrats on passing :) .. I did all my driving lessons/passed in a k10! The very same one that's in my avatar lol :D

Congratulations mate, well done! Was it your first test? I did mine in my own micra, was cool!

Er, cheap mods maybe bit more spraying, colour code the black bits on the bumpers & door handles?
Paint bits of interior? Just enjoy driving...
I think odd_ball's hit the nail on the head there with little mods you can do lol :D
Congratulations mate, well done! Was it your first test? I did mine in my own micra, was cool!

Er, cheap mods maybe bit more spraying, colour code the black bits on the bumpers & door handles?
Paint bits of interior? Just enjoy driving it & the freedom! Maybe go a scrappy, see what you can find, a splitter maybe, or some people replace the black plastic handle on the boot to a colour-coded pre-facelift one...

Oh, and could always use the time for a service... Oil, filters etc... Thats pretty important!

As said, well done mate... Now you can drive her you'll fall in love with her all over again!.. This is were you really learn to drive! :)

Yeah man first time! Aw that would be pretty cool haha :p I done mine in a new model Corsa haha
I was thinking about colour coding the handles and black bumpstrips, how would I know what spray would watch my cars colour? :eek:
open your bonnet, on the left hand side of the bulk head is your vin plate, the code is on there 2 letters followed by a number e.g. FL0
Congratulations mate, well done! Was it your first test? I did mine in my own micra, was cool!

Er, cheap mods maybe bit more spraying, colour code the black bits on the bumpers & door handles?
Paint bits of interior? Just enjoy driving it & the freedom! Maybe go a scrappy, see what you can find, a splitter maybe, or some people replace the black plastic handle on the boot to a colour-coded pre-facelift one...

Oh, and could always use the time for a service... Oil, filters etc... Thats pretty important!

As said, well done mate... Now you can drive her you'll fall in love with her all over again!.. This is were you really learn to drive! :)

replying to this on my phone and it's sending before I finish replying haha fecking technology haha :p
Yeah I never thought about just going for a pre facelift boot handles , was just going to spray it ! :p
I'm embracing thesheer power the engine is packing! ;) haha

Cheers mate! Glad to be finally on the road with it!
Those bbs are 5x120 pcd matey, no good for your micra. best bet it to check ebay for the ones that came on early E21 bmws, they are 6x13" with a low offset and come in 4x100

congrats on passing your test, added another chapter your life log book of govenment ass rapings :D

The alloys that are in the photo are 5x120 but it was the ones he mentioned after that I was looking into , there is no photo of them :)
Ah yes Tue government seem to be pretty good at this rape business!
Looks same as mine, should be BV04 or BV4 I think, Intense Blue is the colour name...

euro_micra has the same colour too, he gets his paint from auto-paint.co.uk... says the match is spot on and service is really good!
Good buy my friend!... Was tempted by these myself after you pointed them out but just couldn't part with the cash...

They are gonna look the dogs danglies on your micra! :)
Small update!

Bought myself these today..


Set of 13x5.5 O.Z Italas "Ultra Rare" alloys!
Not sure if they really are rare but I really don't mind they will look the doggies! :p
Just need to wait till pay day to exchange the money then get them sent up! :D
Good buy my friend!... Was tempted by these myself after you pointed them out but just couldn't part with the cash...

They are gonna look the dogs danglies on your micra! :)

Glad I went for them then! haha :p
Yeah they will especially when I get my springs too! they will sit nicely! :)
So, it's pay day tommorow so I'll be purchasing some items for the wee beast! :p

Just some questions if the wise gurus of the forum could help me out with;

To colour code the handles can I just spray the paint straight onto the handle or do I need to prep it, if so, what would the preparation be?
Same with the boot handle, if I take the Nissan badge off to spray the entire thing, what sort of glue would be alright to use to put it back on solid? :)

Thanks folks and I hope I'm not annoying people with the questions rather than actually showing progress on my car, just been skint this month and hasnt been much progress haha :p
Regarding painting the handles yes you do need to prep them. Because the surface is textured I would start off with a mild abrasive type of sand paper and then work yourself to finer grades. This should make the surface smooth, then plastic primer, sand/ wipe that down... spray it and then laquer it... it's what I did with mine, the smooth plastic really does help with the finish.

And regarding your amount of posts why would anyone be annoyed? look at the WTD section I pretty much post in there every day lmao.
Regarding painting the handles yes you do need to prep them. Because the surface is textured I would start off with a mild abrasive type of sand paper and then work yourself to finer grades. This should make the surface smooth, then plastic primer, sand/ wipe that down... spray it and then laquer it... it's what I did with mine, the smooth plastic really does help with the finish.

And regarding your amount of posts why would anyone be annoyed? look at the WTD section I pretty much post in there every day lmao.
Yeahhh john you pain in the arse! lol
Regarding painting the handles yes you do need to prep them. Because the surface is textured I would start off with a mild abrasive type of sand paper and then work yourself to finer grades. This should make the surface smooth, then plastic primer, sand/ wipe that down... spray it and then laquer it... it's what I did with mine, the smooth plastic really does help with the finish.

And regarding your amount of posts why would anyone be annoyed? look at the WTD section I pretty much post in there every day lmao.

Cheers mate, much appreciated! :p
haha I'll need to take a look at how much you spam it, make me feel a bit better about my postings! ;) haha

Look what came today!

It was like christmas came early!

Well chuffed when they arrived and couldn't wait to fit them BUT OFCOURSE THERE WOULD BE A PROBLEM :( haha
I went to put one on and when all the bolts were fitted tight and I spun the wheel there was a bit of a wobble at first I thought it was the way the alloy was sitting against the brake plate but I put another alloy on and it fitted fine so I put the one that wobbled onto a different side and it still wobbled so the conclusion is that there is a buckle in the wheel :( going to a place tommorow morning to see if they can sort it!

But I got some pictures any way so here you go :p

Out with the old in with the new!



And how I need to roll at the moment until the buckle is fixed..

Alloy and steelie combo yo! :p

I desperately need lows now haha not sure wether to go for 60mm springs from Matt Humphreys or go for the Corsa B Coilover method? although I wouldnt know where to start with all the modifications you need to do with that! Suppose I could just go for it, only way I'll learn :p

Opinions bad or good are welcome :)

and the tyres have been pumped up after the pictures, they were flat as f*ck! haha :p
So little (not very good) update

I am back to all 4 steelies, they alloys were doing in my brake plates in and among other many problems they just don't fit with my car :(
Think banded steels seems like a good shout, always liked them in the first place :p anyone/know someone whos got some for sale? :p haha

Just going to sell on the alloys, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, I guess them and my micra just weren't meant to be! haha :p

Also bought an 8-ball gear knob aswell , came across them on ebay and I couldnt help myself! haha
Take it the buckle couldn't be fixed then?

Well, I took it to one of the local mechanics who deal with alloy repairs and they couldnt find a buckle in the wheel, they even showed me it on the machine and it ran smoothly
I think someone previously has tried a wee DIY number on the center bore of the alloys and it just isnt sitting right, its a shame but a life lesson and all that :p haha
Really want a set of banded steelies now though! haha
So thats me FINALLY ordered the Corsa b shocks and matiz strut and springs!
Hopefully they get delivered quick so I can crack on with lowering :)

Cheers wehey, frank and Jay101 for the help on the matiz set up and apologies for all the ****e questions! ;)
Well these delivered today!

Quite a speedy delivery but I'll need to wait till Thursday which is my next day off to get them fitted!
Can't wait to take the car out of OAP spec haha :p

Also got this last week, couldn't resist..

Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk 2
Finally a decent update on the car :p

Got it dropped on the matiz set up and I'm very happy with it :) wish it could have been lower but ah well its still nice!
My uncle helped me out with it and he has owned 2 micras in the past and loves the little cars so he has fell in love with mine! haha

One thing that is bugging me is that the back hasnt dropped as much as the front, will it settle down a bit over time or will I need to maybe cut lowering springs on the back? :eek:

Next plan is to find a place that will machine out the centre of my alloys so I can get them on :)

Anyone good at using the old photoshop aswell? Im contemplating a checkered roof but want to see what it would look like first :p






Front slightly lower than the rear is a nice look, bit of rake.

I can't stand cars that are lower at the back!

Looks good, just need to sort those wheels out and she'll be ballin'
Front slightly lower than the rear is a nice look, bit of rake.

I can't stand cars that are lower at the back!

Looks good, just need to sort those wheels out and she'll be ballin'

Yeah I feel the same but Im just wanting to even it out :p it would bug me even more if the back was lower than the front!

Cheers! trying to find someone who machines out the centre bores of alloys around where I live is impossible! haha
Took my alloys away to get machined out on Friday and he said "aye, they'll be done either today or tommorow"

It's Tuesday now and still haven't had a call from them! Phoning them up today to see what the script is.
Well this came today..



Quick delivery considering I only ordered yesterday afternoon! :p

Not even looked at how to fit it but I'll put pics up of it on the car whenever I manage to get it on!
Got the alloys slapped on today...


Pretty happy with them :D
Car still needs more lows though in my opinion haha

Depending on how much I get in my next wage I will be getting a smoothed out tailgate so that's the next plan , wage permitting :p
They look nice esp with car at that height.

It's looks good enough as it is without being impractical.

What tyres you running on them?
They look nice esp with car at that height.

It's looks good enough as it is without being impractical.

What tyres you running on them?

Cheers man
Maybe just a weeee bit lower :p

Tyres are 165/55R13 Pirellis on the front and 165/55R13 Nankang Toursports on the back :) all pretty much brand new nick aswell!

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