Water leaks

Is there any common places to get a water leak in the back of the car as u have water running down past my boot light and into the boot and into the driver side rear seat?
My water line at the top of the window was leaking into the hatchback door then the boot. £1 to replace the rubber connector. Other than that, I have water getting in along the seam behind the rear wheels to be patch welded soon.
My water line at the top of the window was leaking into the hatchback door then the boot. £1 to replace the rubber connector. Other than that, I have water getting in along the seam behind the rear wheels to be patch welded soon.

Oh, you've got a hole just like me!
It could be the rear sun roof drainage hose that goes above the roof liner and down the drivers side rear C piller. Also water can get in between the rear light clusters and bodywork and down into the void behind the rear light unit and rot the bottom of the void! :-( Best job is to undo the 3 bolts securing the rear light unit to the bodywork and apply a really thick fresh dollop of marine grade silicone to the the existing very sticky mastic! B-)

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