Water in a boot coming from unexpected place

Hello, hope to find you all well.
I found a pint of pure rain water in the spare wheel well. Perfect, exactly what I was looking for.

After a week of investigation, the water seems to flow from the vertical plane of the junction of two rear metal sheets.

the following sheet metal diagram I composed, regards the left side but I found the problem on the rear right part of the boot (in the place where the jack is stored). I apologize, this is what the web offers.

The green arrow indicates the point where I found a rusty, wet line coming from the contact surfaces of two metal sheets:


In your opinion, does the factory assembly pattern go from A to D during the assembly?
Could the water, despite the rear light gasket appears to be watertight, comes in from light, runs in the bottom part of "D" and fluish from the junction "C-D"?
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Hallo all,
I've sealed with gummy tape all suspected water access points indicated in the yoeddynz topic.
Today here it's rainy...
Let's wait and see...
Have a good week-end