WANTED: new micra... lol


Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave
Well as you all know my car met an unfortunate end at the Portsmouth meet, but with a new home already sorted, and some plans already laid out, im looking for a new car, however, im gonna have to be quite pickey about it,

ideally, it has be a 1.3, 3 door, pre face lift in AJ4 flame red, and prefrably not a super high milage, reason for this is I need somthing faster than a 1 litres, ive got the bonnet in red, plus the open grille from kirstian, aswell as my seats, harnesses, induction kit etc

I know this is gonna be harder to source than just picking any old one, but if im gonna do my project right this time, I need the car to start, so if you see anything, or know anyone, please either pm or post a reply here


I have a CG10 K11

Janspeed Manifold
Apexi SAFC2
no rear seats but trimmed up
Ashley Backbox
Fast Road Cams
and a CG13 engine and gearbox

you can have the lot for £1500 check your PM
i may actually be tempted back into a 1 litre, as im planning a engine conversion or somthing like that, but ideally Red due to the bonnet/grille (which would save the hassle of paiting)

thanks for that offer Alienfish360, I would have accepted that price if the colour wasnt that, realy not a fan of that tourquoisy blue colour :down:
I have a 1.3 red 3door AJ4
It is an SR with electric windows but no rear disks.. totally standard 90k...
looking at £1700 are you interested?
Mean Micra is scrapping an AJ4 shell, it has a CG10 engine but if you got the 1.3 engine off Alienfish, swap all your bits over, hey presto, one 1.3 car.
I think I may just go back to a 1litre and take it from there, although a 1.3 would be nice, its increasingly harder to source one, and would knock my insurance up etc... and I may aswell put the money towards the engine ive got lined up (Y)
Doing an engine swap and declaring it on insurance will cost you more on insurance than buying a 1.3 already. Whatever work you do to the engine before putting it in will have negligible performance gains..
The cost of the engine, then the crane hire, and the day(or two ive you havent done it before) will add up...
Id advise a buying a 1.3 micra saving the money, and the time.. and funding something now, that you would fund later down the line...

..and mine is a pre-facelift too ;)
when I mean engine transplant, I dont mean 1.3, like usual, I disclose no details, but Kristian knows what im talking about (Y) heh,

Ill check out the black car in a bit, but thanks for the offer Asraf, but its a outta my price range, mainly because ill be pulling it apart as soon as I get it etc

thanks for responses guys (Y)