Wanted Badly: K10 Rear Spolier


Ex. Club Member
I'd REALLY, REALLY Like a K10 rear spolier if anyone has one floating about.
No scrap yards seem to have them, and the one i was going to buy was broken in half buy the scrap man as he tried to remove it from the boot lid! :(
You can contact me at: edandcoyeah@aol.com if you need to!
hello mate, are u just looking 4 the standard 1? (although i think they are an aftermarket part, if its the 1 i have, made of rubber i think) let me know. get hold of me on jamman7110@tiscali.co.uk
hihi i like to see that everything is on the wrong side in car in our country ;)

but the fuel intake is on the same sinde like in germany
Theres a spoiler in the Billy Bridges Scrap yard if anyone is interested! theres also a pair of K10 skirts (one's ripped in two) but tempted to get it and fix em up.

Spoiler is black, skirts are white

Wow, this post has risen from the dead!! :)

Ive got two spoilers since i posted this - one from the full Super S kit i bought and the other was a rubber aftermarket one from MatT...

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