Wanted - 1.3 Driveshaft & 1.6 Tb


Micra K11ng
Right, due to some changes in plans i need the following:

1.3 Passenger Driveshaft
1.6 Throttle Body
1.3 ECU Without NATS Or
1.6 ECU Without NATS

If you have any of these - just post up or PM me.
Cheers :)
Titch :kungfu:
is that pre facelift 2000?. i think if you have nats no other ecu will work for you unless it is a nats ecu and its programmed with your key/nats system..
Beachboy said:
is that pre facelift 2000?. i think if you have nats no other ecu will work for you unless it is a nats ecu and its programmed with your key/nats system..

Well its a facelift.

Its got NATS at the moment, but the plan is to change the engines over frm 1.0ltr to 1.3ltr.
Should this make a diffrence as its a diffrent enging going in?
if its the 2000 facelift then the 1.3 engine wont work as it runs on a distributor and different wiring loom etc. your will have coil packs. if its a pre 2000 facelift model then you will be ok engine swap wise but if you got nats you are likely to have a problem if you want a different ecu.
Thought that it was a dizzy model.
Isn't it just the second wave of facelifts that are coil per pack?
Titch :)
you have the pre facelift 2000 model titch. 2000 facelift is quite different. but you will still have the nats problem i believe.

These have coil pack and are the ones where the 1.4 engine was introduced.
If the ECU+engine is swapped to a non-Nats one then it should be all gravy surely?
the nats system is intergrated in the wiring loom near the ignition, it would have to be bypassed i think. i dont think the engine or ecu change would fix it.
Hm, I have not seen a NATS loom, surely it sends a signal to the ECU? If not, then just cut the NATS reciever out of the loom and it - should - stop it interfering, I have had to cut a Nissan alarm/immobiliser out of mine this way...
To get rid of NATS you need to change the ecu to a non NATS ecu as it becomes confused otherwise and unplug a socket near the ignition barrel.

if nats is completely disabled i would guess that it doesnt matter what ecu you use? i dont have nats and can use any micra ecu nats coded or otherwise.
I would have thought not, if it is programmed not to fuel or spark until the ECU will want the 'yes' message for the NATS then I doubt it will work. I am surprised that you can defeat NATS by just removing the sensor
it cant be the ecu that has the function of either allowing engine to start or not to if the code is wrong. as i have used a nats coded ecu in my non nats micra. so it must be the nats imobilser in the ignition circuit that decides whether to allow engine start or not.
fair enough then, do you know if NATS is a separate unit?
So either remove that or the sensor then
dont know about the details of the nats system. need to get hold of a nissan service manual that has all the diagrams of it inside. etc.
Beachboy said:
dont know about the details of the nats system. need to get hold of a nissan service manual that has all the diagrams of it inside. etc.

That would be really helpful mate.
Right - don't need the driveshaft now or the 1.3 ECU.

Still needing a 1.6 tb and ecu without nats though.
Beachboy? you still selling?

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