Urgent help needed - brakes


Ex. Club Member
Ok so I bought some brakes and have just been trying to fit them, the problem is the discs won't go over the hub properly, they won't sit back far enough, is there a trick to this is should I go ahead with grinding the holes bigger?

Where the hub goes a bit bigger at the back is where I am having the problem. I held the old disc up to the new one and there is about 1mm difference. I'm really ####ed off cos I've just wasted 40 quid.
I've had to chuck the old brakes back on which are rubbish.
Seriously? Are you using copper slip/copper grease? Put some grease on the sub then try sliding the disc back onto it.....

Oh and I paid £47 for a Mintex Brake Box set via Ebay, quality discs and pads and that includes delivery :)
can you show us a picture of what you mean mate? i think facelift and pre facelift discs are ever so slighty different which may be the problem. where did the discs come from? you are fully intitled to take them back if they dont fit its your statutory right! ;)
Bought off ebay, the discs say 83-89 however mine is an 89 facelift so I guess that's the problem. They can't go back now as I hammered the crap outta one of them when I'd had enough.

Next thing I'm going to do is go to nissan for some proper ones and seek anger management classes.

All though if I have anymore problems I'm selling up. The rust on the doors is getting bad and I don't have time to fill it.

Watch this space if you want a 89 micra.
Are you sure you have the correct brakes ? According to halfords this morning there are two types both different measurements ? Halfords here don't know much so they could be wrong
Yeah that's already been mentioned in this thread.

Hammering brakes doesn't sound great - even if you managed to get them on. I wouldn't be surprised if they got damaged and would have effected performance!
I would have checked more carefully but when I asked on here I was told all brakes on the K10 were the same.

Hammering was a bad idea I know, I only started tapping softly in case there was rust or sommat stopping it.

Right, I have just managed to get a pair of facelift discs for the mahoosive price of £18.25.
Now I have a single undamaged pre-facelift one that I may use as a template for a rear disc conversion.
Well we live and learn! How bad are the discs? Have you tried to take them back? You never know, they might swap them!

For the money maybe you should go for the mintex discs and pads someone mentioned on here? I'm debating it myself :)

Edit: Sorry we posted together, glad to hear you got some discs at last! Maybe add some piccies of the new discs? Gotta look shiny i'm sure! Maybe paint calipers while your there?
I have the paint, I would've painted the calipers yesterday but it was raining. I can't return the discs as I made the mistake of buying the wrong ones.

They will go on my shelf of other random car parts I guess.