custom made eh, his were 100 each iircWho sells them do you know?
100, per piston and 100 per rod>?custom made eh, his were 100 each iirc
yeh-man100, per piston and 100 per rod>?
thanks for the advice like i say its all research and all advise will be taken inPower is not based on the turbo but a good map! My turbo Micra in the past was bought from Mr Grassie running 1 bar on standard internals with a 2mm spacer head gasket! He used an Apexi AFC to "map" it. He made so many errors I'd need a whole thread for it but his biggest mistake was mapping it himself!
I took it to a tuner up my way and without changing a thing I got 12hp more from REDUCING the amount of fuel used by 50% duty.
I eventually sold it to "he who shall not be named" for an undisclosed figure of £600!
So don't focus too much time on what boost you can run and instead what engine management is best for you! A #### build with a good map is far superior to a great build and #### map!
you hav,nt got a dizzy to turn back/retard ehanother question, with me having coilpack ignition rather than a dizzy does this mean i deffo need to remap if i turbo and will the fuel need adjusting? such as injectors? would be running a t15 to start with
you could re-position the flywheel dowel eh, but that would mean removing the g/box AGAIN lolSo be just as easy to get ed to map a ecu ? And not reallly feasable to reposition the crank sensor as it would mean making another hole in the bell housing which id rather not do,
ballon boost gauge FTWThat was funny, balloon boost gauge