turbo conversion question!

As this week my engine will be put together and everything put in its new place's i have a question about the setup and mapping!

1. will the tuner have issues regarding setting up and mapping on a rolling road?

2. when the car is complete and ready fro me to drive home...i was told that new engines have to be run in, so do i drive it slow and off boost for so many miles or do i drive slow and give it a blast now and then so it beds in and i don't get the glaze affect from the pistons?

Obviously my tuner will decide whats best but i just want to know from people that have done it before!

cheers jason
Umm you really need to go with your tuner on this stuff. The above questions should be answered by them and you should follow only their advice!
have faith in your tuner!! Unless you have a credible reason not to you should always try at least to believe that they are capable in what they are doing. The last thing you want to do is not trust them.
