Torx nut on front discs.

Just done mine not so long ago.Did not need impact here.
It is not a spanner its a Hex bit..
Tho I did have to use a socket for mine to work.
Because they were not the standard size like the hex bits you would use in a drill driver.

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Its is a screw type fitting and I was told T40 but brought a set with all sizes and yes its large size the head of the bolt or screw is about the size of a penny..

Possibly is a picture of them on my blog with correct size.

Search for this in the search box.

Disc and pad choices

You will struggle to remove it with smaller ones if they are the original correct size.
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Well they are only supposed to be hand tight, to stop the disc moving when the wheel is off. Some people seem to think that bolt holds the disc to the hub on it's own and crank it right up (not realising the wheel and wheel bolts are the main parts that hold the disc in place). Hence overtightened small screw will be seized, and round when you try remove it.

If it doesn't go easy, then use an impact driver or you'll be drilling it out.
My first time learning about these they were missing a astra and flat tyre in the dark. You can imagine how hard it was to get the wheel on Yes it took over an hour probably a lot more lining up. right chew on..

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