Tips on removing strut top nut

I got the first front strut out today with the hopes of fitting my lowering springs, but I am struggling with the top nut. I put an allen key in the center hole and used a spanner on the nut, but the center hole is now ######ed. The allen key now spins right round in the hole, and only after one try. It was a tight fit to start with, and was lightly hammered in the hole so it did go all the way in.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to how to remove the nut now?

Have you got the whole strut off? Plus don't undo it unless it's in a spring compressor otherwise it may pull your arm off :), easy way is to get a thick rag or rubber mat and grip the highest part of the shockabsorber with some molegrips, the rag won't scratch it, plus if it does it wont compress that high up!
Thanks, I'll give that a go in the morning. So grip the shock rather than the bolt at the top, and then get a spanner on the nut?

Yes the spring was compressed ;) Am I right the rears won't need compressing? I have done this before, but there was no trouble with nuts last time. Day off tomorrow, so I've got a whole day to play.

I'll soak the threads in WD40 tonight too, to try and loosen them up a bit.

Cheers :)
Yeah grip the shocker right under the strut top with visegrips but use a rag or something rubber works a treat, I use a old cam belt. Then undo the top nut :). Yeah make sure it's compressed lol! Rears are easy, jack the car up, take the bottom shocker bolt out and tug the spring out! It's always easier putting lowered ones back in :)
How do you get in there while it has a spring, compressors and the rubber around it? I just tried lower down, but the whole thing just spins. Also tried clamping the top mount but of course that just spins too.
i usually compress them an inch or so and lever the orange sponge bumpstop down tom, so that you can clamp the molegrips to the very top of the chrome shaft.
or easier stil drive the car to your local tyre/exh place, and get them to run the nut up and down a couple of times with their airwrench
Here's the mangled top part

There doesn't seem to be anywhere on here that would hold the nut firm - or will the top mount come off the strut?
I hadn't seen your reply before Frank, but I've just tried it. Can't get any sort of grip on the chrome. Tried wrapping a cut up rubber inner tube round it as well, but it just mashed the rubber
I hadn't seen your reply before Frank, but I've just tried it. Can't get any sort of grip on the chrome. Tried wrapping a cut up rubber inner tube round it as well, but it just mashed the rubber

you wont get any grip with rubber between tom, and it wont hurt if you mark the chrome under the bumpstop, just dont mark/scratch the working bit eh fwn (where the oilseal goes up and down, which is higher up when lowered)
just tuck the rubber boot into the spring and slide the bumpstop down, then clamp 1 or 2 molies on (Y)
Thanks Frank - the struts are back on the car now. I think what I will do is ask Father Christmas for a new pair of struts, top mounts and rubbers for Christmas... That should make the job a tad easier!! That, or get a garage to have a look. Thanks for the help.
i remember at franks the springs were compres'd quite a bit for access
once clamp'd very tightly high as you can the spanner is whak'd nice n hard
i remember some welding going on i think
Thanks Frank - the struts are back on the car now. I think what I will do is ask Father Christmas for a new pair of struts, top mounts and rubbers for Christmas... That should make the job a tad easier!! That, or get a garage to have a look. Thanks for the help.

I feel your pain. Having a freaking nightmare with mine too!!
I think if there's a not too cold/wet day sometime soon I will have one last crack at Frank's idea. Then, failing that might grind the nut off!! haha!
Been at it again this morning. 2 sets of grips directly on the shaft where the bumpstop goes, but there is no way that nut is going to move. I'm gonna head up to a scrappy after christmas and see if the nut on their struts budge at all, and then might just bring some new struts home.
you cany turn the nut on the strut top you have to bash the spanner to force it loose
or like mention'd get the impact socket on it at a kwik fit or garage 2 pence of work for them (just to loosen)
i usually compress them an inch or so and lever the orange sponge bumpstop down tom, so that you can clamp the molegrips to the very top of the chrome shaft.
or easier stil drive the car to your local tyre/exh place, and get them to run the nut up and down a couple of times with their airwrench

thats it their
Just managed to do mine after weeks of faffing about. I just whacked it with an impact driver and off it came!!
Matiz sprIngs are now fitted!!!! Woohoo
i had this exact same problem yesterday. couldn't be rsed messing around hammering a torq bit into it so cut the nut off with a dremel. i had to cut the top of the rubber down first but i can't see any detriment in this.

p.s. check you've got a spare nut before you try this!

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