I am gona tint my rear three windows, hopefully this weekend, but that depends on a few things.
The stuff I am using is a bit wierd, but it only cost me about £35 for the materials to cover all three windows.
Its static cling vinyl, you know like the tax disk holders you get in the postoffice.
It came in a roll, you cut it to roughly the size of your window, stick it on then cut it to fit perfectly.
I think it will be good for the rear three, but I dont think it will be any good on the front sides which roll up and down.
Its also, Limo black, so i dont think thats even legal on the front sides. :glare:
Anyway, besides the price, the thing that I liked the sound of is that it can easily be removed and put back on, so if you get pulled over by police, or questioned about it on your MOT or anything, it can easily be removed then stuck back without any hassle.
If I get round to fitting it, I'll get some pics up and let you all know how it went.
I will be putting it on at some point :grinning: