Timing chain + tensioners

Hi guys, i don't know if on the k11 they change the timing chain if so at what mileage should this be done? got a little bit of history with mine but it don't say anything about it being changed/checked, its coming up to 80k now

should last the life of the engine.
when it rattles badly and constantly, the rest of the engine would prob be worn out too hence usually replaced than rebuilt.
My 1.0 with 85000 miles on it was rattling its head off, changed the top chain and tensioner and its as sweet as a nut, some one told me they are prone to stretching
Kit was £65 for the to and bottom chain with all the sprockets and guides tensioners, cost £50 to have a garage fit the top
Thanks for the info guys, i did think the chain did not need to be changed, i shall get my mechanic mate to change the tensioner for me

Thanks for the info guys, i did think the chain did not need to be changed, i shall get my mechanic mate to change the tensioner for me

I feel you will at least have to change the top chain and tensioner, its far easier than doing both chains, the chain will have stretched

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