Time for the next North West meet

wilsonian said:
it's going to be at this location


the ashton leisure park

we normally park up near KFC so make sure you don't get lost :)

I gotta say this meet seems to have some life so I'm hoping we all turn up, after the last meet even I was dis-heartened at doing another, but this time the details are set and we're all aiming to meet at the set time, it's gonna be great.

On a personal note and as an MSC editor, I'm gonna try speaking to everyone and some pics (of you and your car) to get a headcount and names of those who attended for my own collection (but not of your guys) and the newsletter.
Hoping to have a nice write up of our meet for the first edition!
oooo im getting all excited now over this meet...wont be able to sleep the night before ! ive got a good feeling aswell goldstar...hmmm im going to have to get my interior up to scratch. like many ppl have said, this is what being a club is all about meeting up every so often.
HEY GUYS... this is looking to be a REALYY COOL MEET..

Should be loads of us there...


ALL US MEN GOIN? ricky Elliot? etc?

ill bring shane in his red k11 to up the numbers ha ha ha
im definatly gonna be there people. will have to get ps2 and screen back in theni suppose lol

have u completed the interior paddy?? really interested in speaking to u about this.
well my door cards are done....did them agees ago....its just touching up...my seat covers are ripped (they slip over the original seat) this sunday isthe only day i have off work...i wanna get my dash out completly and spray it.....not sure what colour though :-S what ya reacon ? black ?
well the little parts of mine i have done red but the big dash part i was gonna spray same colour as body work

so blue or maybe black as u dont see black interior in micras. always grey
im thinking the same thing....as in same as my bodywork..its getting it all done in one day though...hope its do-able, if the VB garage was still up u can see my progress so far....ya reacon its ok if i create a thread about my car ? process etc ?
other people make progress threads so go for it!

when you do your dash its best to laquer it afterwards as it will sctrach very easily, i didnt laquer mine and some people like the dullness of it, me as well but its up to your taste really and how you like it
sorry not been on in a while :D
this is startin to come together well now, i like the sound of it alot :D
my car is just going to be standard however im jus startin out-lol but i like the standard look :D

cant wait to see all other cars we should have a comp of them i.e show n shine n best of show-lol n best standard lookin 1 so i got a chance to win 1 at least :D

well lokkin forward to it now cya all there :D
yes 29th im bloody comin from scotland so it better be-lol i dont mind wat we do im ok at most things but not brill-lol

FAO goldstar: will i jus get u at the meet?

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