This is tempting but....

cheers james and evrybody else.
i should be getting this bodykit after all :) (hopefully)
the only thing is anybody know the "colour code" for this colour
i know it says it on that SILVER PLATE under the bonnet, but my friend says i need more "letters, numbers" to be able to get the right colour??
The colour code will be on the VIN plate under the bonnet, next to the "Int. Col" or something.

For example Flame Red is AJ4, Black is KL3 etc etc
DO IT naps. :D

SR = hot hot hot

see? :D

How could you say no to such a spankalicious little rear end?

Or how could you say no to piloting a micra from a cockpit like this one..

Go for it naps. I really doubt you'll regret it.
haahaa, cheers yom again for your persuasive input lol.

you have a lush BLUE SR there though. if this one was blue i would but its not :)
i feel rather bad for not ringing up yet, and there really hasnt been an excuse not to, except work.
ill do it at mid day today when i have abreak
(also i lost the phone number lol)
the sr would have sold the same morning it was advertised mate. unless some miracle is involved. you need to decide if you really want to change your car, and if good 1.3 micra is what you want. then when the adverts appear you can be the first to view it and buy it straight away. its the only way to do it really.
nissanz1: ill find out in an hour lol. thats when ill ring them. they might not be in, but ill know soon enough.

rallybunny: i also looked in the autotrader and know which one your on about :) get it lol. its alittle to much money, but maybe not for u?

Napster said:
nissanz1: ill find out in an hour lol. thats when ill ring them. they might not be in, but ill know soon enough.

rallybunny: i also looked in the autotrader and know which one your on about :) get it lol. its alittle to much money, but maybe not for u?


I'm saving up for a K12 really, but I do keep looking. :wasntme:
well i rang up about the SR :)
to my surprise and probably yours aswell, it hadnt been sold :)
you dont know how happy i was lol. anyway i asked about the "rear disks" but its got drums, so nevermind, its all good.
im going to see it tomorrow :)

get this: was out and about walking and a "little pocket rocket, GOLD MICRA SR" flew past. looked awesome in gold. its a sign lol.

Get plenty of pics mate, and check the crossmember, sills, shocks, listen for cam chain rattle (there probably will be some, just hope its not too loud hehe) and all the other usual things with the K11 :)
Low Rider said:
So annoying, all the SuperS' and SR's seem to be north, it's impossible to find a decent priced one south of the midlands. Been looking for another K11 for ages, and am now looking at 1.0's just to get one, then shoving my 1.3 in as a compromise..........grrrrr

Theres a decent looking SR in charlton at the moment, looking very tidy and decent milage too. Havent got a link tho
will do james!! cant wait to see it :)
after seeing "yoms" pictures of his lush SR and yours "james", and "mini beasts" you just want one lol!! (and other peoples)
will check for "cam chain rattle". my k11 is doing that now :-( its very loud and sounds stressed? can that be fixed?
look forward to hearing back about your viewing. look around it very carefully.
i am suprised it hasnt sold.
nizzanz1 said:
look forward to hearing back about your viewing. look around it very carefully.
i am suprised it hasnt sold.

either hearing from me or actually seeing me in a new car lol
im surprised it didnt sell, but when he said "it hadnt", the feeling i got lol
if theres nothing wrong with it then its meant to be yours. get your wheels and rear lights swapped over and its as simple as that. bin your exhaust tip, and go easy on the ice.
nizzanz1 said:
if theres nothing wrong with it then its meant to be yours. get your wheels and rear lights swapped over and its as simple as that. bin your exhaust tip, and go easy on the ice.

haahaa good advice mate. ill get a proper exhaust and then manifold :)
ill keep my I.C.E lol.
i hope the wheels look alright and the LED Lights?
going to see it at 12:30 today :) cant wait!!!
ill get some pictures hopefully.

i did a photoshop with my alloys and it did look really nice.

will let everyone know how i get on.
if i like it ill put a cash deposit down on it. then ill come back with the remainder of the money next day or so.
cheers everybody!!
you dont know how excited i am lol. that proabably sounds silly, but if i get it, it should be the start of a nice micra :)
im looking forward to playing with all the ELECTRONICS in the car.

ohh, one question....regrading "cam chain rattle", can that be fixed?
thanks james ur a legend lol.
and everybody else for posting images, information, specifications etc
haahaa lads, calm down lol!!!
yep.......IT WAS LUSH!!!
exteria was good quality apart from a scratch on passengers door (smallish)
engine bay was kind of dirty :-( started her up and she sounded LUSH. NO joke, No rattling noise what so ever :) crossmembers where really good.
interia was lush. i wasnt sure if i liked the seats in green, but it was a stunning car.
ive put the deposit down on it :) going to talk to parents later and then just need to go collect it on friday :)

feast your eyes on this beauty
cheers james :)
becasue of the scratch on the door he lowered the price by nearly "£200" :) i love it lol. cant wait.
serioulsy though, the engine noise was of "little noise" possible. sounded like it was brand new.
didnt test drive it today, but when i go back on friday (hopefully) ill give her a cheeky drive
Looks clean as mate. Door will be no worries to fix up. Before you put your full money down on it though, have you guys got any vehicle inspection places who can give a second critical eye over the vehicle and spot any problems which you may have missed/chosen to ignore because you were in love with the car?

If you do I definately recommend getting one of them done. Not much money but it could save you from buying a lemon I guess.
Yom said:
Looks clean as mate. Door will be no worries to fix up. Before you put your full money down on it though, have you guys got any vehicle inspection places who can give a second critical eye over the vehicle and spot any problems which you may have missed/chosen to ignore because you were in love with the car?

If you do I definately recommend getting one of them done. Not much money but it could save you from buying a lemon I guess.

yes you can get a "mechanic guy" out to inspect it for a fee.
even though i did like the car i didnt let it get to my mind lol.
i probably missed lots of things though lol.
nice one napster, looks very nice. jealous of you. got £200 off aswell!!!!!! amazing.
nizzanz1 said:
nice one napster, looks very nice. jealous of you. got £200 off aswell!!!!!! amazing.

cheers mate. if i get it, ill pop round (when ur free, and if you want me too) and you can pick out all the BAD THINGS THAT ARE WRONG WITH IT lol.
ill let everybody know what happens :) £900 for an R-reg SR micra with 81,000 Miles?? is that a good price?
you got a good deal. in cornwall 1993 1.0 are still selling for that price. yeah come over so i can have a look. you got £200 now to fix anything that needs doing.
nizzanz1 said:
you got a good deal. in cornwall 1993 1.0 are still selling for that price. yeah come over so i can have a look. you got £200 now to fix anything that needs doing.

cheers "rallybunny" i agree lol.

nissanz1: if i get it friday :) ill give ya a txt. you free friday?? thats true about the money i saved to fix the car, thats if there isnt anything wrong or it will cost more.
well spoke to the aprents last night and its all "GO, GO, GO" lol
illl check insurance 2day, get the remainder of the money out and then of friday pop round and pick it up :)
i didnt take it for a test drive yestday, but will do on friday?
then on friday, ill move most things over from my other micra (NISMO alloys, LED lights, induction kit, head unit).
ill give the engine bay a good cleaning, casue its rather dirty.

going back to "cam chain noise" there was really nothing "tattery" coming from the engine? the only thing i was worried about was there was "rust" on the "clutch cable"??
any info on that would be great
I can't see that as being too much of a problem :)

Fancy a trip to Brighton in it on Saturday? Us southerners are going bowling hehe ;)
thanks james, just checking cause i didnt want it to break or something.
umm, its abit too far to drive unfortunanlty mate :-(
otherwise bowling would have been fun lol.
Sounds fantastic Naps!

I'm sure you're going to love it. :) Post up some pics of it with all your gear in it as well! WIll look haaaaawt. Need to get some lowered springs in it asap mate. New shocks and lowered springs. You'll love the difference it makes.
Yom said:
Sounds fantastic Naps!

I'm sure you're going to love it. :) Post up some pics of it with all your gear in it as well! WIll look haaaaawt. Need to get some lowered springs in it asap mate. New shocks and lowered springs. You'll love the difference it makes.

cheers bud.
i actually cant wait now. i should hopefully pick it up tomorrow bout 2:00 or so(not quite sure yet)
the first step is headunit (quick job, i hope) then alloys!
i want to clean the engine bay on weekend.

will try and get lowering springs, but that wont be for a while.
wanted exhasut and manifold first, but with that power, ill need handling??
can i just get "springs"? or do i need dampers 2?
Hi Napster,

Im still learning to drive at the moment :doh: (though, this is lesson 2 :upside: )

My aunt said i can have her car from her when i have had another 2 lessons :grinning: Its a 51 reg done 25k miles and is in MINT condition.

I was allways dubious of the Micra's thinking of them as "old peoples cars" Now i've found this site, and everything that can be done with them, im definately up for it.

Im going to start to look round at what can be done with it (its silver, im thinking maybe black / dark grey alloys?)

Hope it goes well for you tomorrow!

- Igloo
Nah naps she'll be right. With exhaust, extractors and intake you won't have ball-tearing power. And there's a little thing known as throttle control. That is your first point of call if you find the suspension or brakes are letting you down. :p

GOodluck with it.
igloo: cheers for your comment. i would agree on "black alloys" cause my white micra (now) have "black carbon, NISMO alloys" on them and it looks awesome (or i think so lol). just needs lowering :)
you are also correct on "things that can be done with a micra"......the possibilities are endless lol.
good luck with your driving :) and welcome to the site!

Yom: you will be correct on "throttle control". as long as i take it easy (which i always do :) ) everything should be fine.

got all the money now from the bank now to pay for it, so just gota go pick it up :)

ill let you know how i get on
right, i rang them up about 30 minutesa ago and they said its fine to pop round today :)
at around 2:00 i should be there looking at the beast and by 2:01 it should be mine lol.
nah, only jokin, probably by 2:30
ill get it home, insure it and take it out for quick drive.

then ill get pictures up at weekend cause havent got internet at home :-( but will go over my mates.
I'd insure it when you get to the car. That's what I did with my SR. Rang up the insurance company at the garage and swapped my policy over, and just agreed to pay the difference :)
yes otherwise it will be unisured, unless you have some kind of cover on your existing insruance policy?
Phone them from your mobile / their phone (give them some pennies if you do this)

That way your insured :D

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