these 20+bhp mods


Ex. Club Member
i got one of these small resistor things off ebay the "0+bhp mod, bought it outta curiosity really only £3 or so but it says

"locate the iat sensor plug on your air intake tubing or on the inlet manifold"

where am i lookin here? any pics are apriciated! :D
I'll give you some advice on fitting.

locate the nearest bin, place the resistor firmly inside, save your £££'s on your engine and repairs.

fit it and wait for the kkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm

or follow Kevs fitting instructions.

or a cheaper way to fook up your engines is drain the sump of oil and dont put any more oil in.
ur iat is your intake air temp sensor. from what ive heard they do make a tiny bit of a difference in speed but they either make ur car very lean or very rich cant remember which. anyway within about 5 minutes u will realise that it wasnt such a good idea to fit it.
even though it was "only £3" you could have bought about 300 for that price, as they are worth 1p each.
They are actually worth about £0.003575 in quantities of around 100,000!!
Hey my core skill is electronics :) lol BTW check this out:

I sent this to them
I was told about this, thought it was a joke, but no - your for real. Hope one day someone cons you as bad as your trying to con so many others. You probably have no idea what true affects this is having - I just hope someone comes along who fancies taking you to court under the the 'Sales and supply of goods to consumers Regulations 2002'. Namely for 'mis-description'. Are you aware that 'The burden of proof' is on YOU the retailer for 6 months should anyone question what you are claiming the results of your product is?
Even after that should you be found guilty of misrepresenting a product any customer has the right for damages after that period? This includes consequential losses and damages to for example bore wash due to an overly rich fuel mixture leading to loss of work , or how about damaged pistons/valves from an equally lean mixture ....

They have replied with this...

What the hell has it got to do with you? For your information I know retail law very well! You`ll also find I don't make any claims to the amount of power gains, I also have a very good disclaimer, it may be close to the edge of the law but I know what sides it's on. If you think these can cause bore wash or any problems with valves or pistons you need to find out how engines work, as it stands you seem to have a rather limited knowledge! As for hoping someone takes me to court ... we all hope for things, me for example I hope you get your ######## caught in a bear trap, shame it`s not very likely. In future mind you own business, you`ll find sticking your nose in to other people's affairs can be a very unfortunate past time. One more message from you and i`ll report you to eBay for harrasment.
One more thing - you`ll find there are hundreds of similar products to the ones I sell - they all work in the same way.

Ive directed them to this forum. Lets see if they reply here.........
Oh yeah check the very good disclaimer at the bottome of the page - oh you cant see it instead here it is
Photos/images for illustrative purposes only. Product's appearance/function may differ slightly. This product will not work on diesel engines or engines with forced induction,* no guarantee is given to amount of extra power or better economy. All cars tested by ourselves have produced excellent results. Terms and conditions apply to 30 day money back guarantee - in in doubt contact us before committing to purchase. Lifetime guarantee does not cover misuse incorrectly installed parts.

Seems they think they think they can disclaim consumer rights - well wrong!
People if you find this intersting cross post it to other sites so that everyone can see and perhaps one day we will get scum like this off ebay.
honestly spread the word to all your friends, work collegues, relatives, enemys, people outside halfords...

i am doing automotive engineering at uni... we get alot of lads talking about these supposedly +20bhp mods... i say noooo...

new product on ebay not sure bout results... called "turbonator"
so me pal is gettin one to test lol... jokes on him... he got 8v golf gti... expectin 8bhp
I sent this to ebay too:

Item number 8007803718 and all similar items are been listed illegally under the "Sales and supply of goods to consumers Regulations 2002". Namely for "mis-description" of the item for sale. It is utterly impossible that these listings can do what is being claimed further to this it is entirely possible that such devices can cause irreversible damage if fitted and used in the way the seller describes. I would urge ebay to remove all such auctions from your as soon as possible.

Ebay ususally pays no attention to these but worth a try eh. Why have I bothered to do this? Basically, Intake air temp, or water air temp is pretty much the engines largest correction factor. Messing with this really DOES put your car at risk of damage. Not at least to ancillary parts such as a catalitic converter. Put it this way, Airflow, Air temp (combined with MAF system) throttle position RPM and water temp are the sensors an ECU needs to know to deliever fuel and ignition mess one up and the system will perform very badly, and of course damage is perfectly possible.
mean micra said:
honestly spread the word to all your friends, work collegues, relatives, enemys, people outside halfords...

i am doing automotive engineering at uni... we get alot of lads talking about these supposedly +20bhp mods... i say noooo...

new product on ebay not sure bout results... called "turbonator"
so me pal is gettin one to test lol... jokes on him... he got 8v golf gti... expectin 8bhp

Oh my days. At least that wont damage an engine as such (unless it fell in) Truly unreal.

EDIT OMG look how expensive it is!!!!!!!!! Thats utter madness I really really cannot believe that. I have to say you can only go so far before its just the plain stupidity of the buyer for paying so much!
theres a problem with the turbonator ed. It fits all cars from *quote* 1.6 to 5.0cc *quote*

Even the smallest engine micra is 988cc, so therefore massivly bigger than the stated 1.6 to 5.0cc??

Therefore, it cant work. I dont even know a lawnmower with an engine that small.
Slim said:
theres a problem with the turbonator ed. It fits all cars from *quote* 1.6 to 5.0cc *quote*

Even the smallest engine micra is 988cc, so therefore massivly bigger than the stated 1.6 to 5.0cc??

Therefore, it cant work. I dont even know a lawnmower with an engine that small.
That's alright then, no-one has to buy that tripe! :cool:
Slim said:
Even the smallest engine micra is 988cc, so therefore massivly bigger than the stated 1.6 to 5.0cc??

Therefore, it cant work. I dont even know a lawnmower with an engine that small.
Perfect for model aeroplane enthusiasts, then :laugh: