The secret - REVEALED! MA10 running on CBR600 bike carbs

Ok so with it left as it was I have been driving about today with it on the car, its quite scary in some aspects as the whole thing is so different I dont want anything to break and be left stranded, its also harder to start - but either way it has done many times now and other than a top end that needs tweeking it seems to go ok! Definately more torque also!
good stuff Ed, so how many miles you done with these bike carbs on now? still a lot of tweeking to do?
Loads to do - they will have to come off for more work, but probably about 30 miles. I need to do some fault finding before I do much more.
More to add, The carbs are beginning to work properly now. They were clogged up basically I have driven about £15 worth of fuel on them and they are now beginning to open up. The missfiring has reduced quite alot and i have the timing manualy set a bit better but still with no vacume assistance. The car is very very revvy, and with a decent bottom end improvment that doesnt die at all across the band. This is beginning to get pretty impressive now, and its also damn loud!
Here is a short clip of what it sounds like.

right click and save then open in media player.
wow it sounds fanstastic, i got to get me some bike carbs :D

edit: i'm serious i want bike carbs!, ED what welder did you use? my parents want to know what i want for my birthday and a welder would be perfect.
It was welded on a professional mig welder. I.e. one that cost £thousands. I tried with mine which is this one..
but its not controllable enough to do the thin alloy.

cheers for that Ed, i only want some thing i can practice with atm and learn how to weld properly, would a mig be the best way to go?
A mig is by far the best all-rounder. Just get the best one you can as it really makes a difference.
Woah sounds like a roaring beast lol!!! Sounds well nice, hows the tweeking going now then Ed?? I want these when I get the MA12 in!!! :|
Retepetsir said:
That's not bad for under £400.....tempting!

Don't forget to add the gas (which I hire from BOC) This is £40 or so for a refil and about £40-50 a year hire. Decent gas regulator £50 Then wire, upto £20. Decent welding mask as the one that comes with it is crap and it adds up a fair bit more.
so whats gonna be the future of this then you gonna tell the rest of us how to do it? cos i got a mate with a mig welder and hes extremly good at it 30 years+ experience, ive found some carbs for a tenner
I thought I heard Ed mention somewhere that the end result was a bit dissapointing? (Not his words).
Actually im beginning to like them quite alot now. It has really stressed the engine but mid range is definately much much better. Im going to fit ECC ignition and see how that helps also..
Today I took off the carbs and cleaned out the jets that were causing problems. They were TOTALLY blocked (no wonder they were running badly) I believe it has caused some piston damage too, but i went for a quick test drive after and I have to say the car is so so different now. It idles nicely revs freely and I think totally blows the old hitarchi carb away!
It should mean its perfectly fine. Ill let you know after a weeks worth of driving all the sparkplugs should look fine again. :) Shame the pistons wont repair on their own lol..

shame about it being something simple like a blocked injector, i bet you kicked yourself about that, anyway good news its all back up and running
To be honest not really. The engine was buring oil even before the bike carbs went on. Ill get another engine from somewhere :)
Glad to hear it. Let us know what happens with it... will you be getting it r/r'd anytime soon as I would be keen to know what it is pushing out with the carbs on as I have the 1.2 to go in sometime this week or next. :p
Dunno, probably be keeping it in the shed with the blown one lol. :p It runs, but the compression is low on two cylinders so it aint running too well. Thats partly the reason i got the MA12. :)
whats the deal with the vaccum then ed? is the carb atuaually vacuum assited or is it something that will need to be modified to make it work?
I dont understand your question. The carbs are not vacume assisted any more than how any carb works :) Its the brakes that are, and I had to make a hole in the inlet manifold to attach the brake servo to. At the moment the distributor has no vacume line.
thanks for the pics ed i need one of how the fuel line is connected up also if you have it please, also do these carbs have auto choke or is it manual, pics of how this is connected would also be good
you just need to take fuel lines from the pump to the carb feeds. ITs straightforward but not really something you can show in pic easily :)

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