Hey, sorry for the slow response. It wasn't an easy job for me at the time due to the location and lack of a proper jack.
It isn't really that difficult, if you pay attention and have patience.
You have to remove the rear seat to get to the fuel pump access, then open that, drain the fuel and remove the pump(if needed). Then go under the car and undo the fuel hoses and loosen the 2 straps holding the tank up. It would be very simple if you have an assistant and use a lift.
I only removed the tank to give is a thorough cleaning, but I did have to replace the pump, and should have replaced the filler hose but I just taped it up instead and it is still fine today.
I'm writing this in a very sleep deprived stateso the best I can suggest atm is to consult the manual. There is a good procedure in there, but i have to add that in removing the pump, carefully remove the float sensor first, the remove the pump by lifting the clips and sliding it forward... just saved you some fuss right there
Good luck with it all, and remember to post pics and such
...oh, and no smoking/well ventilated area/gloves/yada yada...
thank you. i will let you know later on. (in soon, i need a help.