The future MSC

So tbh, I don't think enough rep has ever been given to the people who run the place in the first place. People all go on about we pay for membership and we get nothing out... do you know how much hosting costs? All the hours put in by the backend guys, Es, Kev, and James didnt get paid for doing this work. The only reason I am a bit understanding is that I have managed community projects for no pay and its a ****er when being criticized that ur not doing enough. The forum is what people make of it, how much they put in, and how much they stick their neck out to organise things. People with all honesty dont volunteer for ****, yet someone always has something to say and its just pants. @James isn't paid to be here and has a full time job where he no doubt slogs it... working in IT is usually a high hour nightmare. So I think he needs a thank you. Re the local and regional events thingie ma'bob, its always been there just no one gets off their arse to try and really bring people together. there are a few who do get stuck in there and they should be thanked, @karlj being one of them, generally me and Karl dont get on, he is a **** 9/10, so am I, thats why we get on. BUT yeah no one gave the boy enough help organizing stuff and it goes with no rewards, being a mod has no rewards, doing anything has no reward... the point is, you do it for the MSC and for everyone else to get involved. WE ARE ALL THE REASON WHY THIS DOESN'T WORK, and in the same breath, WE ARE THE ONES TO MAKE IT AMAZING. I am sure many a person is sat in the background bitching and moaning about it and how nothing is good enough, well here is your chance, make it great, make it yours. The MSC is yours, something you can mold to be awesome. Another note, I have seen how the money is spent here and what we get in membership fees. If you don't put money in to the system you get nothing out, we need to keep our memberships up for @James to be able to do anything. Making you just as bloody bad as those people who complain about the state of the world and then don't vote to make change.

The flip side @James is that you are new and fresh at this and you are just as much at fault. You need to share workload and get people involved, much of what people want is easy to achieve you just need to put your feelers out to get some input and hands for work. There have always been places for area reps, and you should of been trying to fill them along time ago, whether it was there before you started or after, the tools were always there. There are people very capable of helping you manage facebook,forum and whatever other role you need. Its not about how hard you work, its about how easily you can achieve something. You have a whole forum to lure in to free labour haha. Your job is not to graft at things, your job is to utilise those beneath you to accomplish the success of the forum. You manage ideas and disperse work load to those around you. The management here is very little, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but obviously not big enough for the needs of the forum at the moment. There are people here with less workload and more free time, so get them on board, get them involved. Get more micra owners in the loop. All in all James, if you don't ask you don't get. WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU...

I hate people.
At the end of the day, we have a massive variety of people here at the MSC, young, old, hashtag users, low n slow brigades, mouthy, polite, socially silent types, geeks, the slightly confusing cool kids who seemed to get the wrong bus in to the msc, stern, funny, sarcastic and some damn right cool people. We all bring something different, but what really ****s me off, people who have an issue but don't communicate. Life is about communicating, learning how to communicate with a whole variety of people, so pull ur heads out your arse and stop mumbling. If you love the MSC and you don't want to see it go to ****, then put ur feking hand up and volunteer to change it for the better. and @James you best ****ing be there to get them involved. Your responsibility when taking on the MSC was to organise us, organize us to make your life easy. Bloody utilise the tools at your reach. We are all here.
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Just to highlight a few things too, I try to organise things, get t shirt ideas going, the response is not always there to be honest. I know what its like on the receiving end.

BTW @Enuo ur like tool lending idea is awesome, or like, I would well offer up my time and stuff for people to come over and we could like help each other with projects and stuff.
I would be more than happy to assist other members in projects lending my own tools and time.
The problem we have is theres only a handful of members in east anglia...
Quite possibly the most (and only! :p ) intelligent thing you have ever said Chris, very well said :)

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To be honest man I love the MSC and I know people have been posting about how things are going down hill and stuff. Sometimes I feel it only stirs ****, sometimes I feel the same way and I even I have said, I am much to fault as the rest.

But the better stance to take is to get involved to solve the issue, much like I have tried and plan on still doing. I made a point last summer to get a mini JAE going at my gaf this year. We do need more events, but it just ****s me off that people want this stuff but spend the whole time um'ing and aw'ing so nothing gets done. I am forever telling people to come over. I have the space and the tea bags.

I know what I say is just going to piss people off but I just get worked up that I have made some awesome friends through here, even if they continually remind me that I didn't build my own car....hmpphh

I rarely see a bad guy in this neck of the wood, i don't know if I have missed some posts or something, I can only think of two knobs who no longer even come on here.

I have first hand experience of this scenario and people just don't ever think they are the reason things fail.

Jesus I am very aware that my own posts could no doubt give us all a bad rep, but I just say it straight and I do actually look at both sides of the fence to make sure my ramblings are not too subjective.
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Life is about communicating, learning how to communicate with a whole variety of people, so pull ur heads out your arse and stop mumbling. If you love the MSC and you don't want to see it go to ####, then put ur feking hand up and put ur hand up to volunteer to change it for the better
I am sure many a person is sat in the background bitching and moaning about it and how nothing is good enough, well here is your chance, make it great, make it yours
This pretty sums up why I wanted to create this thread.. just in alot more words and swearing :p
Then why dont you start a thread up... get the ball rolling?
This is it

This is the thread for all the ideas and problems people are having. Says in my first post :)
Reginal areas have already been added and membership reduced for summer

So far so good I'd say
Tool sharing/club owned communal tools, especially of tools like ODB readers, engine cranes, odd sized sockets, clutch alignment tools, torque wrenches etc, tools most people won't have or can't afford or find... needs a quite well developed local club culture to implement... but baby steps. Monthly club meets is the first step I think :)
Tool sharing/club owned communal tools, especially of tools like ODB readers, engine cranes, odd sized sockets, clutch alignment tools, torque wrenches etc, tools most people won't have or can't afford or find... needs a quite well developed local club culture to implement... but baby steps. Monthly club meets is the first step I think :)
Well I have like... All that ****... Minus that pussy alignment tool...

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I would be more than happy to assist other members in projects lending my own tools and time.
The problem we have is theres only a handful of members in east anglia...

...and one of them is me.

Sent from the Magpie's magical nest using Tapatalk
I've got torque wrenches and the like. Nowt too fancy but if anyone ever needs stuff I can lend it out or give a hand... Mind you, it'll be the blind leading the blind
I have been meaning to post on here for ages with my opinion. I think this club is great but paid members dont get much which I know is hard because of the costs of this club. Something like members have priority when it comes to show tickets etc. The little things make a big difference and maybe will persuade people to pay up. Except for some stickers. Also it is slightly annoying how some of you are complaining when you are free members. Stop being such cheap arses and get a membership to really help this club out!

Im more than happy enough to help set up for shows, organize meets, organize cruises to shows and what not if that helps.
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Something like members have priority when it comes to show tickets etc
Funny you should mention that actually, originally the rule was only paid-up members could come to the national shows, but we removed that requirement to bolster numbers! The problem with things like JAE is that we sell the tickets at face value, so selling them cheaper to paid-up members would actually cost us money (although I did consider it!)

Please keep the suggestions coming people, I promise I'm reading this thread, even if I'm not replying to every individual point!
Funny you should mention that actually, originally the rule was only paid-up members could come to the national shows, but we removed that requirement to bolster numbers! The problem with things like JAE is that we sell the tickets at face value, so selling them cheaper to paid-up members would actually cost us money (although I did consider it!)

Please keep the suggestions coming people, I promise I'm reading this thread, even if I'm not replying to every individual point!
I am not bothered about saving money on tickets, it costs what it costs. It would be different if you was making a mint from it mate. I just like the little things which makes you feel valued as a member.

I personally think none of us should complain about the price or be stinchy. The MSC is cheap for a club, my dads Vaxuhall group is £50 a year! MX5 and RX7 clubs can be about the same as well.
Nearly every action on the msc is taken based on cheapness. Why do you think we love frank so much.. That man can build a turbo kit out of a packet of rizlas, some bog roll tubes and and some wood glue

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...before December, I'd never done anything to my cars...apart from buying wheels or paying someone to tint windows...I was always paying garages to do servicing and, to be honest, couldn't care less about cars...then, my Vitara gave up and I needed a cheap winter runabout for the days I couldn't bike...

I paid £650 for my K11 on boxing day and joined this site a couple of days after....

Since then, I must've spent upwards of £500 on parts and tools...spend most days thinking of things I could do to it or how to do things on it...I've learned more about car mechanicals in the last 4 months than in the rest of my life.

Basically, this site is dangerous and should be banned.

Sent from the Magpie's magical nest using Tapatalk
I only say this because it costs money to get this sort of thing done, and people are notoriously bad from past experience of saying "Yeah, do it" then not having the money at crunch time.

Doing it this way gives us a pool of guaranteed cash to get some going!

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