» CMF Member48 hours and well over 2000kms later Yom's old (and my new) SuperS has arrived at it's new home in Adelaide.
Fuel consumption was around 6lt/100km @ 100-110kph with a 'shocking' 7lt/100km & 130kph
. And if anyone has ever wondered how many kays you can go with the fuel light on I did 100kms averaging 90kph. it took 39.8 litres when I filled at Ouyen Vic. (Victoria seems to shut down on the weekends and it was hard to find an open servo). Talk about cutting it fine but I made it with around 200ml spare.
Tested the ABS when a f'ing sheep decided to walk out in front of me! - All good - ABS did the job, sheep and Littlebear's heart rate went up a bit though!
Check out the shot from yesterday when I checked out 'The Dish' at Parkes.
Fuel consumption was around 6lt/100km @ 100-110kph with a 'shocking' 7lt/100km & 130kph
Tested the ABS when a f'ing sheep decided to walk out in front of me! - All good - ABS did the job, sheep and Littlebear's heart rate went up a bit though!
Check out the shot from yesterday when I checked out 'The Dish' at Parkes.