Superchips? Yaay or Nay?

Cost ~£300, give about 7% more HP. I may of course be wrong. No idea insurance wise. EDIT: Sorry just realised that's what you asked for lol!
I do and I know its a 10% gain in bhp for non-turbo cars... better throttle response but would like views of those people who have chipped their cars... and the experts here... thats why... aint nothing wrong with that is there?

and I dont know what else should be modded alongside... to get the best from it... if it works best with something else that is..
Guys I wasnt having any joy with my searches but I think Ive found what I wanted now.. partly from ciscos micra files.. im going to get it chipped... thinking of a little turbo too but not sure if thats a good idea on a 1.0.. will prob need an uprated fuel pump, water pump, con rods and gas-flow / porting..

cheers anyway
whats the point mate, its totally rubbish what your saying. You go on about doing a 1.3, 1.4 conversion, then decide it will be cheaper to turbo and superchip it instead?

Your going to get minimal power out of the 1.0 you need to get a 1.3 to have a good base for modding then go from there. This forum seriously needs a sticky that says the basics that all of us already now. then these newbies wnt be filling the forum with reposts.

things like.

1.3 micra NA engine mods:

Full exhaust system including manifold.
Panel filter upgrade
Spark plugs
Fast road cams
Remap etc etc.

1.3 micra handling mods:

theres way to much info to go into there. If there was some simple little stickies like that it would make this forum so much more usefull, for everyone.
Personally I'm gonna push my 1.0 as far as it'll go, an engine switch seems like giving in :). Also you might as well just get the 1.3 car instead of the 1.0 :p.
and I can say the same about doing up a 1.3 being pointless... if I want to superchip then it is my business... Im really interested in getting the most of a 1.0 without pushing the engine to break point... its an experiment for me to see how much bhp I can free and how much mpg I can gain... most the parts are second hand so its not like Im on a blind spending spree... I know it may seem pointless doing a 1.0 to some... and the 1.3/1.4 idea was dropped because I found an sr20de which is going in next year... another point is that... the prices for the project I was getting was 1.5k and I can get it done for 800... then I thought whats the point when I can have 2.0? The 2.0 is going in a different K11. This one will be up for sale at the end of the year... yeh you sound ticked off with newbies and so what if I cant find much when I search... or I dont understand it and it needs clarification... im a beginner... please grow up and stop taking your frustration out on me. If it makes you happy I wont post here. Many ppl here have dropped their projects or put them on hold because of financial constraints... and I dont see you telling them... whats the point you made a blog and now its in Buy and Sell... :down:
turbo CG10 will get you approximately 95-100bhp for ~£3000

CG13 with Janspeed Manifold and exhaust system ~95-100bhp for ~£500

Your choice

If you're going to be doing an SR20 why bother spending money on a turbo conversion, because you're going to need to solve the problems that will come up with the SR20DE.

What do you mean by 'chipping' it?

Piggyback or Standalone ECU with a re-map?

The standard ECU can't be re-mapped (ignoring what Micra_Pete can do)

If you're referring to the eBay stuff then it's a load of carp
I was looking at the superchips website and they have a chip for a micra.. and then.. i met this guy who can get hold of one dirt cheap so I wont be losing much.. anyhow its a write off... buying a 1.4 auto this weekend in Kent...