You all seem to forget that the supercharger boost is controlled by the BYPASS VALVE.
It works in EXACTLY the same way as a turbo waste gate. Why do you think that we all get these 'ufo' issues? ITs when the damping of the bypass control valve is not working correctly so it goes into mechanical oscillations, causing the boost fluctuations.
I suspect that if you fitted a mini suspension damper from say a RC car to the butterfly valve in the bypass control valve supercharge boost would probably be totally smooth and the 'ufo' issues would not occour.
Anyway my point is, when you reach 0.7 bar the bypass valve begins to open to bypass air and thus control supercharger boost. IT also HAS TO DO THIS to enable turbo bypass once the turbo is on boost.
Another point to remember is that the SC is at all times assisted by the turbo, even when the turbo is in a region where it cannot sustain itself. This is because the supercharger will create a great deal more exhaust gasses spinning the turbo far sooner than it would otherwise, thus making boost and meaning the supercharger has less work to do, but again it has to be controlled via the bypass valve to work correctly.
Get it

If you bleed off some of the boost that opens the bypass control valve then it will open at a higher boost pressure and more s/c boost as a result.
Those things will make more than 1.5 bar if running without any boost control. You would instantly hit the ECU boost/load cut with that....