Super S Electric Blues


Got a problem....

Just went to move the car round the block, turned on the lights and most of them aren't working! Headlamps are on but no sidelights, no lights at all on the back and no dashboard or heater light. They were working last week. Only thing that has changed is put a headunit in. Is it something simple like a fuse or two gone (will be checking those in the light of day) or something more sinister?

Thoughts anyone? Cheers.

>> You can with a Nissan <<
Ha Ha, id put money on it being a 10 amp like SKETCH says....

Ive been through a few of those changing headunits... ha ha....

Always keep a couple spare on board..
There are no 10amp fueses in the engine bay of a K10. but yes you have probably wired the sidelights as a ground to the headunit then blew it when you turned it on.
