Strange Clicking Noise


Ex. Club Member
Hi there,

I have recently noticed a clicking noise comming from what I think is the front passengerside wheel. The noise occurs when I turn the wheel and am accelarting.

I've taken the wheel off and replaced it with the spare ensuring the bolts where done up properly and that made no difference.

Any ideas on what it could be? I havent got much expreince with cars and all the terrms so take it easy on me :blush:

Cheers :)
am I damaging it more by drivin around on it at the moment? is this repairable at home by someone thats not very expereinced with cars or a garage job? also have you got a rough idea on the cost?

cheers again :)
Won't be doing any more damage, and it's not dangerous, but I would get it replaced.
It is a bit of a pain to replace, and CV joint grease is the 2nd most disquisting smell you get by working on a car.
If you're not a competant DIYer then I'd get a garage to do it!

Or do what I done, went to scrapyard and replaced the entire drive shaft!
I like the smells i get from working on a car :D

CV joint replacement isn't that hard. However if bolts have rusted up it can turn from a 2 hour job to a 6 hour one! If your lazy then get a garage to do it however if you wana learn on the job then give it a go. The haynes has this section covered.
take off the wheel or wheel trims and tighten the split pin on the end of the cv joint these can make a clicking noise

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