Sticky speedo


My car's got another problem (yawn!), the speedo has started sticking. Has happened twice now, both times when it's been hot and the car has been sat in full sun. It goes up slower than the actual increase in speed (according to GPS speedo) and won't go back down to 0. This is fixed by a tap to the speedo, although the innacuracy of the gauge lasts a bit longer. All is ok once everything's cooled down a bit.

I found a thread in the search where someone else mentioned that theirs did it in the heat too (can't find the thread again now :suspect: ). Is there a quick fix, and will it start getting more frequent? It's not the same as the other thread by "KatK11" who's speedo was getting stuck at a certain speed, this is that it's moving slowly and won't go back down to 0.
There is no quick fix as such.

If it is a japanese made K11 - poor you. These are non serviceable units AFAIK. Start looking for a new cluster.

If it is a UK made k11 - lucky you. Find an auto electrician who works on speedos and tell him what is happening. He'll know what to replace. Basically overtime the original lubricants dry up and there's alot of friction in there. A few little pieces wear out and get stuck in the heat when they expand.

Thats what was wrong with mine anyway.
I have a march k11 set of dials with a tachometer.. i need to re-wire them to english spec, but if you offered enough ££ id sell them to you.
Yom said:
If it is a UK made k11 - lucky you. Find an auto electrician who works on speedos and tell him what is happening. He'll know what to replace. Basically overtime the original lubricants dry up and there's alot of friction in there. A few little pieces wear out and get stuck in the heat when they expand.

How would I know if it was UK made? Assume it is?? Is a 1l 5 door "L".
Does your speedo use a cable drive or is it fully electronic Rallybunny ? If it's a cable drive one then i have a speedo mechanism you can have for £5 posted, theres no face though as I used that to convert my March speedo to mph, but it's only 2 little screws to replace the face.
sonic said:
Does your speedo use a cable drive or is it fully electronic Rallybunny ? If it's a cable drive one then i have a speedo mechanism you can have for £5 posted, theres no face though as I used that to convert my March speedo to mph, but it's only 2 little screws to replace the face.

Thanks for the offer. :D I presume mine is cable driven, seeing as it's pre-facelift? Any way I can tell?
Sonic, do you have a wiring diagram or anything of how you changed your march cluster to work correctly? mine is cable driven also.
Dusk said:
Sonic, do you have a wiring diagram or anything of how you changed your march cluster to work correctly? mine is cable driven also.
I didn't convert the cluster, I just put the mph face over the kph speedo, I'm guessing that you have a UK built Micra and have got hold of a JDM March clock set, I did the opposite, it was only after I got the speedo that I realised that my March has an electronic speedo so the mechanical speedo was unuseable, so now I've got a speedo that reads in mph but a mileometer that reads in kilometers.
lol same thing happens to mine aswel, all you gotta do is wait till you are sitting in traffic and then tap the plastic screen thing infront of your speedo then it wil go back down to 0 and ya should be ready to rock and roll after that.. :D
Glenn said:
lol same thing happens to mine aswel, all you gotta do is wait till you are sitting in traffic and then tap the plastic screen thing infront of your speedo then it wil go back down to 0 and ya should be ready to rock and roll after that.. :D

Yeah, I've done that. But it seems a bit slow to catch up to actual speed when moving for a while too.

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