SR20 Micra won't rev...

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Ok so here's the crack, I finally found a Micra that wasn't rotten so I put an sr20de in it from a 98 Primera GT. I'm running half Primera half Micra loom. Using the multi plugs from the Micra engine loom and Primera interior loom I made an adapter loom that just plugs in to combine the two. Almost everything works engine lights, gauges, immobiliser etc even the consult port is wired in. I have removed the immobiliser because I don't have the original radio. I done this by starting the car and then removing the nats control module, it worked on my old Micra of the same age.

Anyway the car starts without the immobilser but it cuts out the second you give it any revs. I'm pretty sure it's not an immobilser fault because I have fuel and spark.
When the engine cuts out the spark and injector pulse are still going until the engine physically stops rotating. After its cut out it takes loads of cranking before its splutters back into life again stinking of unburnt fuel. When checking the spark to me I looks really weak but my more experienced work colleague thinks it looks ok. I changed the plugs, rotor arm, dizzy cap and HT leads it will Rev a tiny bit higher now but still just dies. No voltage drops at injectors, coil etc I've checked all the earths and cleaned the ones on the inlet manifold checked fuel pressure is bang on(sr20 pump). I've checked the resistance of the coil autodata says between 0.5 and 1.0 ohms for the primary but I'm getting 2.2-2.7 ohms with a good multimeter?

Here is a video of the spark with the resistor bypassed.

I bridged the wires on the consult port to get the engine light to flash codes which it did
143, 145 and 21 I watched it like 20 times and I can't find out what 143 and 145 is? I Assume they are something to do with nats and 21 (ignition signal malfunction) has come up because I bypassed the resistor?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this and a radiator is the only thing stopping me from flying down the road! Cheers [/COLOR]
Ok so today I connected the resistor back on the coil then switched the ignition on. Randomly the engine light wasn't flashing like it always is (does the same on other Micra that works). I started it and it fired up instantly on the button and I revved it straight to the limiter for the first time ever! It was revving mint no problem so I let it idle then it immediately cut out, engine light is flashing again and now it won't start. I've still got spark and injector pulse but won't fire. If I manually inject fuel with a power probe in say 2 cylinders it will start straight away on 2 then the other 2 will kick in and it will idle nice for a while until you press the throttle then it instanly cuts out.

I'm starting to think it's a nats problem now as the only 2 codes now are 141 and 145?
The only difference with this one and the other Micra that worked is the radio. I know there is a wire from the immobiliser to the radio but I just thought this was incase the radio got stolen it wouldn't work? And it wouldn't stop the car from starting then I done a search and there are people who's cars didn't start after changing the radio?

What is the relationship with the radio and nats? When I first had the immobiliser on I had to wait 20mins for the red light to go out like someone said on a radio thread. Do I need the original radio? That sounds mad? Can you still get spark and injector pulse if nats is still kicked in?

It would be very odd if removing the stereo stopped the car working. The nats has a single wire going to the stereo just to send the correct code to allow it to power up. Hope you sort it.
Update, it's a NATS fault :(. After going over and metering out the wiring a million times and finding no faults I decided to plug nats back in to see what happens and it does the exact same thing injector pulse, fuel pump primes and I have spark etc.

Tried the Primera key in the reader and the little red LED stays illuminated. I have removed the chip from the Micra key so there is no interfence. The wiring for the immobilser looks right to me it looks the same as the Primera and it is connected to the Primera ecu.

I was thinking the same, Agent about the radio it sounds stupid but there is a few threads out there that says right hand drive Primeras have an extra "dongle" in the radio??? Never herd an immobilser referred to as a dongle?

I'm a HGV mechanic I don't like working on cars ha ha. In older Volvo trucks the body systems like a light module for example need to send the chassis number to the immobilser before they start.

I was thinking out getting the radio and the other key from the Primera for ****s and giggles to see what happens.

Why would I need to change ignition switch r-reg-sr?

Cheers thanks for help
Cars , esp those your playing with are not that clever. Can systems on trucks are a lot more involved

To me sounds like nats was not bypassed and having issues as there is primera/micra mix and is looking for the signals still
Yes I think your right. this is the place I'm going to be looking tomorrow. I have one wire coming from the Ecu that goes to the immobiliser. My wiring diagram says its pin26 on the ecu and I have this going to pin 1 of the immobilser so I need to check this is right. Is anyone familiar with the nats wiring?

Happiness! I like he sound of that frank could you point me I the right direction for the nats .pdf? Also how much would you be looking for, for your ecu? Cheers thanks for help
Thanks frank I will start reading through that. That sounds like a fair price for the ecu. Is it from an old car without nats or has it been decoded or something? Would I need to swap some wiring about?

Cheers thanks for help.
Ok so I downloaded the wiring diagrams for the micra which are mint! So much detail, is there anything like this for the Primera? Anyway I metered out all the wiring for the immobiliser and everything was right. I done all the checks in the manual and everything is there. I even mounted the immobilser correctly on the barrel and swapped the chip from the Primera key to the Micra key and it still won't recognise it. Metered out all the ecu, injectors, coil, Maf wiring etc everything is there and fine. i think I'm just gonna go for the non nats ecu option for now then that eliminates a lot of other stuff if it runs with it.

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