Speed cameras


Ex. Club Member
does anyone else think these are a waste of time?!

there is one near my area and i dont think it has been on for bloody ages, i drove through it at 35 loads, it is meant 2 be a 30 zone still aint got caught yet..personally i think they are a waste of time..god knows what else they could have though, they do stop speed..when they are switched on! lolfwn
the speed cameras are set up to flash if you are goin faster than 10% plus 2mph more than the speed limit on that road,

to allow for people's speedo's bein out BUT!!! if you know this and try goin thru it at 35mph and your speedo is out youv ad it

so your speedo must be spot on or its switched off like you sed

a police officer told me this wen he gave me 3 points and £60 fine for doing 50mph in a 30mph zone

thats why wen a "responce car" as they are called stops you for speeding they have to get one of those cars what are fitted wiv speed cameras and all sorts on them,,usaully a volvo t5!! to follow it and check to see if thier speedo is out.but it will neva be out by 20mph so i didnt get away with it
Glenn said:
does anyone else think these are a waste of time?!

there is one near my area and i dont think it has been on for bloody ages, i drove through it at 35 loads, it is meant 2 be a 30 zone still aint got caught yet..personally i think they are a waste of time..god knows what else they could have though, they do stop speed..when they are switched on! lolfwn

Why are you going out ur way to get caught??? Also, the camera may be out of film so if i were you i wouldnt keep going past at 35mph and that 10% +2mph lark is only rule of thumb so dont put ur money on it
ide neva gamble with one

ide have to get my dad to take the pionts if i get caught by one i need my licience
yeah i think speed cameras are a waste of time, i think there more designed to earn cash for the government, imo if there are speed cameras are there im gonna slow down to go through em but that usually means a just go faster in between em to make up time!
iv only been flashed once, never heard anything back but it was late at night and im guessing it was out of film, i would never go through one at above the limit tho intentionally, i always slow right down to go through em
Glenn said:
i drove through it at 35 loads, it is meant 2 be a 30 zone still aint got caught yet.

As Ben says, if they put film in it, your fudged! Then we'll laugh cause you tried to be smart, and got caught!
Titch :kungfu:
5mph cant make much difference for 30 yards can it? youll regret it if it gets ya
RIK said:
5mph cant make much difference for 30 yards can it? youll regret it if it gets ya

Thats what i was thinking.. Your not gonna save much time by going that little bit faster, and besides, its a 30 zone for a reason...
However i do think alot of cameras are there to make money, especially the mobile ones, and all the new methods used now to capture speeding drivers. Its all wrong
i noticed the mobile ones and the hand held ones are on the 60mph and 40mph dual carrage ways and roads with hardly no pedestrians, parked cars ,houses ect nearby shoudn't they b near schools and busy areas surely its more dangerous to speed in the busy areas rather than the country lanes and long straight duals.
everything boils down to muny
speed camera's do not always flash so just because you have gone through and it's not flashed doesn't mean you have got away with it.

Driving through a camera in 30 limit at 35 is stupidity, why take the risk?

Also camera's in my area where installed and not in operation for a while and then all of sudden one day a lot became active over a short period of time and motorists where caught in the nuneaton area, so just don't think your OK to continue speeding through the camera zone.

it's the speed cameras on the motorway i don't understand. and they say gatso's are a road safety feature but the ones on the motorway in particular are purely a money making scheme as it's unlikely anyone will be crossing the motorway...
Speed cameras in general are pretty easy to avoid. I nearly got caught by one of those VASCAR ones (sneaky bugger was hiding on a slip road in the pitch black) that measures your average speed over a set distance. I was going about 90, but I saw it early so I put the brakes on and I went past him at about 40.. So my avg. speed was about 65. Under the limit :grinning:
Your sayin bout tings being around u like ppl crossing and parked cars dat decides if ther shud b a speed camera, wot about ur own safety and the safety of others? If sum1's wheel bursts on the motorway at 100 mph their gona feel it, at 70 mph its gone be safer, they wud hav the chance to pull in and survive instead of other cars goin 100 slammin into them..
Titch58 said:
Glenn said:
i drove through it at 35 loads, it is meant 2 be a 30 zone still aint got caught yet.

As Ben says, if they put film in it, your fudged! Then we'll laugh cause you tried to be smart, and got caught!
Titch :kungfu:

to be honest on this particular road everyone goes through it at like 50..i only go through at 35 just incase..they seriously havent been on for year, so is a waste of money really...

that was my main point really, everyone goes through it fast not just me, so i wanted 2 make the point of whats the point of having them if they are not switched on!!
.exe said:
Speed cameras in general are pretty easy to avoid. I nearly got caught by one of those VASCAR ones (sneaky bugger was hiding on a slip road in the pitch black) that measures your average speed over a set distance. I was going about 90, but I saw it early so I put the brakes on and I went past him at about 40.. So my avg. speed was about 65. Under the limit :grinning:

Well you obviously think that's clever thing to do by your statement!
RE: RE: Speed cameras

Glenn said:
Titch58 said:
Glenn said:
i drove through it at 35 loads, it is meant 2 be a 30 zone still aint got caught yet.

As Ben says, if they put film in it, your fudged! Then we'll laugh cause you tried to be smart, and got caught!
Titch :kungfu:

to be honest on this particular road everyone goes through it at like 50..i only go through at 35 just incase..they seriously havent been on for year, so is a waste of money really...

that was my main point really, everyone goes through it fast not just me, so i wanted 2 make the point of whats the point of having them if they are not switched on!!

so that makes it ok then?, I say again not all camera's have to flash to be in operation. Do you know all these people that go through at 50mph, 35mph might not actually be enough to set it off
Revenue earners www.speedcam.co.uk home of captain gatso, some of the vandalised ones are halarious, an it jus shows you how the poilce think they can get away with breaking their own laws - parkin on yellow lines, hiding the cameras (i thot they were supposed to b highly visible)!

we got these ones up our end now on coast road where there forward facing but its not the ones with all the road markings, theres only 3 small red lines in front of them and they have some sort of laser on the lens, dont flash i think.

The best ones are the ones coming out the back of the vans, u can see them from outer space, i bet they still catch loads of people though. Also you have to remember it takes like 2 weeks + for a ticket to come through so if you speed past one and dont get a letter in the next couple of days so you think its not working then keep speeding past it, no doubt you will get banned

Also, we have had 2 new ones near my house put up about a year ago but still have no heads on them, all road markings and that are there but am i right in thinking these are the ones that check ur tax too but there is a big debate about em so thats why the head is delayed
RE: RE: Speed cameras

Big_ben said:
The best ones are the ones coming out the back of the vans, u can see them from outer space, i bet they still catch loads of people though.

I've had a run in with one of these before on a road in Derbyshire, the Cat and Fiddle run for the locals :) Came round a bend on my bike to find a camera van pointing at me. Natural instinct is to brake, which really isn't a good idea. This "safety camera" was placed at the start of a straight piece of road purely to catch people out. Had it been before the corner or further down the straight road in a visible position I could understand...

I often wonder how many accidents have been caused by people slamming their brakes on for a camera (we've all seen them) and being rear ended or losing control. Guess the government doesn't release those figures...
