Its being parked in my front drive with a cover over it for the last few months, but the wind blew it off a few days ago and as im going to get it back on the road within the end of this week i thought minor.
Then last night someone must have done it, they used a big stone and just left it there beside the car
Ok i live in a slightly chav up area but my car has never had abuse before!
its not that bad but you cannot really hide a roof dent, im going to have to get it removed, can these mobile dent guys do this kind of job?
BTW i dnt have speckled laquer its jus rain drops lol!
Then last night someone must have done it, they used a big stone and just left it there beside the car
its not that bad but you cannot really hide a roof dent, im going to have to get it removed, can these mobile dent guys do this kind of job?
BTW i dnt have speckled laquer its jus rain drops lol!