Sign up for the North West meet

Yes, it was an OK meet. :) It would of been much better if the other Micra's wouldn't have left (Don't now who was there before?).

We could have had the meet on Kristians drive, lol. :D

Was nice to meet everybody though. :)

First meet - Goldstar, j.a.kelly, littlemissmicra, wilsonian (+ Mrs), Hughes16v, Lee (+ Mrs). Was good chatting a stuff but was too cold, didn't know that others coming down later so it sorted disbanded.

Second meet - Kristian, Brendan, Elliot, Anthony, Goldstar (later). Kris's superS is looking good, Brendan plans to strip my SLX at this rate and saw some nice K10's.

Overall, miscommunication about times and whether all day thing, no photos on my half as forgot first time and too cold and forgot camera second time.

Least we know there's enough people around to plan a good meet, were we met could be a regular good spot as 2 cop bike's drove past lookked at us and seeing as we had 4 micras and about 5 primera's we thought we were buggered, but no, drove right past.

PS KFC is goooooooooood!

Oh ye, a K10 parked up by the cars when most of us were getting KFC, was it an MSC car?
The second meet was very small. :D Me, Kristian, and Anthony set off from Kristians house at about 2:15... and got there for 3:00?

Did go chatting to the Primera lads. Quite a nice bunch, but some chap with glasses come walking up commenting on my body filler work under the drivers wing mirror. grr

Did anybody get any pictures? I don't think any of us second batch took any pictures. o_O

There was some lads in a Peugeot however taking photo's with their phone of our cars apparently. lol, it was funny what Anthony was saying about going crashing into the side of their car for taking pictures. He just isn't bothered, lol. :D

i just remembered the website that k10 had on its windows, or somethin, wonder how he knew!

shame the rest of u didnt turn up for the first meet! was still good tho
loads on here but the ones u are after in particular:





not really turned out as i wanted but i did have a truck by the side of me when i was taking some of them lol
I like this one


In order from left:
Lee - very impressive car
J.a.kelly - completely stripped with plans goinf ahead (plus it's my old car)
Wilsonian - Very tidy car with a sweet exhaust
Goldstar0011 - My beast, I love it but soon to be replaced with the SuperS

Sorry Huges for no pics, will sort next time
was a good meet. shame so cold!

love the pics, shame there aint more! Venue was good, tho my favorite part was driving in convoy from sandbrook to ashton!! That was class

ppl must have thought, oh a micra, and another, and another and another and...jesus...a micra...and oh a primera taking photos of lots of micras lol!

I must also appologise for my leadership skills. I loved seeing all the cars changing lanes, that i kept doing it lol!! we all pulled out in a sequence and i spent 99% of the time looking in my rear view mirror!!

lets get the new meet planned asap - same venue prob?

mine and Littlemissmicra's project will have nice super S bumpers...further lowering and a suprise under the bonnet for the next one I PROMISE!

JK & Littlemissmicra
IMHO u dont want to do them to offten otherwise people from further a-field wont bother commin down cos its to much of a chore - something like once every 6 months or something like that... the venue was actualy ok - nobody even came over and bothered us - although maybe park a bit further away from the the actual buildings so we dont get random people parking up inbetween us (like that K12 did) and so we are easier to spot - maybe where the 2nd micra lot decided to park as its really easy to spot as u enter the car park and away from anywyere but still close to KFC :D
it was me who had the website stickers on the blue k10 i came from wales and picked 2 mates up from manchester
Oh ye, meeting too often becomes a chore and people won't mind skipping then soon enough the meets grow smaller.

Was thinking another 3-4 months time for another meet, same place, hopefully better weather and hopefully everyone at same time!

Where Kristian and others met was pretty good, was isolated, easy to spot as entering car park (except for me as I was having a race with a Black SR that I thought was part of the group but wasn't)
alexbaker said:
it was me who had the website stickers on the blue k10 i came from wales and picked 2 mates up from manchester

I wondered what happened to you!
Sorry about the poor reception, J.a.kelly and Lee had left and me and wilsonian where at KFC, ya mate had crutches right?
it was my mate yes, my car is running quite bad at the moment need the brakes and exhaust sortin out
LOL, i think the next meet should be in july - that way people have time to change different bit's of their car etc.

the meet way great - bit cold for my liking and it was a shame i only had £3.50 - expensive KFC's!

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