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Second car/daily fun


Pikey motorsport
Should of put this up a while ago, had it a 2-3months now.

Went out to get a second car since the Imp won't be ready till next year, and i'm sick of public transport for getting to college. So i went out and got myself this, had 36k on it and 11months MOT

So here it is....








The bump strips have been removed now aswell, how ever most of the glue is still on the car:down: Need to get my finger out and get it off!
How does everybody keep finding these white L's. I really wanted one when I was looking but could only find a red one. Wide wheels and drop and you are winning untill the imp is ready. If you were to buy some 7x13 minilights in 4x4" you could rock them on the micra for a bit, then use then on the imp. (Y)

Good luck with it. Do you fancy a plain orange pool ball gear knob to complement the wheels?


£6 Posted
How does everybody keep finding these white L's. I really wanted one when I was looking but could only find a red one. Wide wheels and drop and you are winning untill the imp is ready. If you were to buy some 7x13 minilights in 4x4" you could rock them on the micra for a bit, then use then on the imp. (Y)

Good luck with it. Do you fancy a plain orange pool ball gear knob to complement the wheels?


£6 Posted
Was a lucky find in the Borders on Gumtree :) Wide wheels and a drop are on the cards! Would 4x4 fit the Micra? I had thought about it, but wasn't sure if they would actually fit. And 60mm lowering springs cost too much, didn't think 35mm would be enough, opinions on here of cut springs? I've done a search, views seem to be pretty mixed.

I'll get back to you once it's pay day :)

nice car!

Cheers pal!
Im interested to see what you say on this mark.. as i am also an owner of a white k11 and wanting to do the same thing (Y)
I should think everybody here knows my views on cut springs.


It is by no means the best way. But it is a way.
Start with a couple and see how you like it. You can take more off but you sure as hell cant put it back.

aye :grinning: and any more than about two and a half off the front and one off the rear makes them uncaptive (or two and a half off the rear with corsa rear shocks)
uncaptive? asin il get a spring hit me in the eye if i got over a speedbump? haha, hmmmmm.. maybe its worth a shot at lowering springs if its gonna look a bit unevevn
shame about the 35-40mm on most of the sets ive seen tho, and really cannnot afford coilovers! haha
About time i updated this i think:wasntme:
I bought a set of 13x7 minilites back last year, which i had on, but then took off again for the potential winter weather.

Anyway, with the Imp not going to be seeing the road any time soon this year i've decided to put my concentration into the micra. Got a lot of plans for it, which should all be finished by mid-February, these include the minilites, serious lows, arches, a respray, bits and bobs to go with theme of the respray(Y)
And then maybe into march i'll start looking at getting a 1300 into her.

Before any painting takes place i'm currently waiting on 2 sills, since my have began to vanish, so i'll have them replaced next weekend, then i'll let the updates regularly unfold over the next few weeks :)
Sounds like a good plan, but why the respray? Arches arn't needed with the minilites (with stretched tyres and camber), but would be interesting to see.
Any pics of the Imp? I almost bought one as my second car.
Paint isn't in the best condition, and respray should hopefully grab it some attention at shows :)
Really? mine stuck out far too much at the front, and out a wee bit on the back, was going to get these arches and cut away the original arches so i can drop it on these wheels. I'll get some pics up of the Imp when i'm in my college class, just about to leave :)

Photo of the Imp as promised, this is the day i got it back from the welder, since then every drop of filler has been stripped back, some of his work has been redone and the rest is waiting to be re-done. Yes his work was that bad i'm redoing the whole car:(
Thought i'd put a small update in here...
Serviced the car last night, oil, oil filter, fuel filter, plugs and put the air box back on with a new filter. Loads quieter, and fuel seems to be better!!
Now for the exciting bit
Jdm arches are en route
Rattle cans for respray are en route
Roof rack is sitting in the garage waiting to be attached
Minilites are in the garage waiting for the arches
Grinder is sitting at the ready to eat my springs, should have coilovers next month though
Got a few other bits and bobs to get, but all shall be reveled later in the month:suspect:
Shall update with photos tomorrow, this weekend included both my outer sills getting replaced, and a new front wing on the passenger side which was rotten too. Next month i plan to get a new bonnet and 2 headlights which are damaged from my crash last year.
Also want to get another wing with there being slight rust of the other one, but that will probably get cut out anyway when i put it on it's hoop, so we shall see...
Excuse the dirty car:laugh:
Just painted quickly with rattle cans to protect them until the car gets it's respray this weekend, assuming my arches are here by then.


Also need to filler over the welds before paint, but small details.
Should also have a roll bar for the back this weekend too:p
Well, that's the car now painted. Still got a lot to do with lowering it, wheels, arches, tidy up the paint, but overall i'm over the moon with it :). I'll let the pictures to the talking



More photos tomorrow when i bring it out the garage(Y)
Decided with Gary going flush would be better than putting the jdm arches on and then having to get spacers. So the back got lowered, some ghetto rolling took place and here's the end result.




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