Seat rail removal

I have some Nova SR front seats I'm wanting to fit into my Micra and I had a crack at it earlier. I got the rails and rail frame thing off the vauxhall seats no problemo. However when it came to the Micra seats, I was a bit stumped. I removed the bottom cusion easy, but after that i was stumped. I couldn't see how on earth I could get the rest of the rails and frame off :p. Now this may be me being stupid and it was dark i may add so i couldn't see much (Micra Interior light is hardly the sun you know). So if someone could tell me how to get the rest of the frame and rails off it'd be much appreciated :p. Apologies for my stupidity and I did try searching :).
Yours stupidly
I think you have to have the seats right forward to get to the back two bolts, and then the seat right back to get to the front two. Then the seat will come right out along with the rail and everything.
unbolt the seat from the car, then once the cushion (base) is off, tilt the back rest forward with the button...then take off the plastics, then remove the clips (flat blade) the hammer the sides off (you will see where i mean once removed the plastics and seat base)

hope this will be alot easier to understand when doing it lol
Ah a hammer I should've known (it being a Japanese car and everything :p) Cheers for quick reply guys ;) Should have the seats fitted this week :D