saxo vs BMW

Some of those comments are so typical to BMW drivers. Only one post showed any care for the saxo driver. Shame on them.

Sums it up really: "As far as I am concerned, EVERYONE ahead of me "inconveniences" me. :)"
Just too add for all we know it was safe for the saxo to over take but the BMW was doing 100mph, and so the saxo driver badly missjuded it and panicked.
Ed said:
Some of those comments are so typical to BMW drivers. Only one post showed any care for the saxo driver. Shame on them.

Sums it up really: "As far as I am concerned, EVERYONE ahead of me "inconveniences" me. :)"

Totally agree with you here. Most BMW drivers think they own the road. Had a few run-ins with them myself with them not giving way etc. They are only seeing one side of the story. The guys not going to own up saying he was doing over the speed limit (probably was) so they shouldnt really give the saxo driver that hard a time. They forget that cars can be replaced easily...lifes can't.
also why are the ranting on about how well the bmw came out the best

its heavier,was probably going faster than the saxo so its gunna be worse anyway and its a 55 plate which means it has the latest saftey gear in it,
Thats scary stuff... How would a micra cope with that kind of impact, especially a K10.. you wouldnt have a chance
makes me just wanna hack their ####ing site, get there email address's, home address and smash up there the same BMW cars cut me up loads gets on my whick !
bmw drivers are only worse than the saxo drivers because micras beat saxo's :D

both are as bad as each other
i wonder if when you buy a bmw the road comes free or you have to pay extra because they do think they own it. i dont like people who drive bmw's much, to many bad memories, a bmw driver would once not move out of the way to let a bus past which was blocking my dad from moving and about 10 other cars, lets just say my dad got out and had words..........

i dont think any micra would stand a chance in a impact like that!
i remember i was in tesco car park and there was hardly any spaces and i got in before this BMW and she didnt have any indicator on i did..she got out and started shouting lol i stood up sat on my boot door and looked at her......she was furious lmao was a 7 series...i mean thats nothing to get angry over....silly woman
i got took out on the M27 about 3 years ago by............. yep you guessed it a BMW it was a n reg 5 series driven by an old bloke, he cam on to the motorway (i was in the out side lane) and cut across 2 lanes and wanted mine, he didnt bother looking in his blind spot (his answer after was, i have a BMW the mirrors are superior and i can see all the road behind me so i dont need to check my blind spot) i was driving a XR2i at the time, 14 lengths of armco barrier and the back end of a brand new volvo S40 and i was parked.
I usually get the most grief from BMW Mini owners, mostly Coopers.........always sat on my tail, trying to overtake, undertake..........absolutely no point in London as there's nowhere to go except behind the car infront.........they seem to think their car can sit in traffic faster obviously ;)