RPM signal for digital tachometer for 1.0


Ex. Club Member
I was wiring in a digital tachometer using the cisco files diagram fro the e-manage. The tachometer requires the signal to come from the ecu and i realised there is no pin coming from the loom for that designated place. I then continued to add a wire to that slot from another loom i had spare and is till not get a the tachometer going.

Where has everyon on their 1.0 got the signal from when wiring in e-manages/safc etc. Is there anywhere else i can take it from? i assum its 5v signal unlick the 12v from the coil.


is,nt pinout no2 blue/black for the tacko ?

Sorry don't understand that? Basically there was no wire where the cisco files diagram says it should be so I added a wire in that slot it was 2'nd down on the second plug.

Are you talking about in the back of the cluster?

thanks for you help frank might actually be what i was looking for.
o.k so you meant pin no 2 of the ecu. I realised when i went for another attempt. Basically that pin is missing from my ecu it is not physically in that position so i placed one in the loom and still did not get it to work.

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