replacing radiator


» CMF Member
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Wait until the car has cooled down (if it's been running). Put a tray under the radiator and remove the radiator cap and loosen hose clamp + remove bottom hose on the radiator. Let the coolant out and then when you're done, undo the top hose clamp. You'll probably have to remove the radiator support to let the radiator free (should be four 10mm bolts) and then you can just lift out the radiator.

Installing the new one is pretty much just the reverse of this - though make sure when you go to refill the coolant that you turn your heater to the hottest it can go - this opens a valve that allows coolant to enter the heatercore and allows you to bleed the cooling system of air when filling it back up. Make sure the hose clamps are tight and you should be good to go :)
