repairs, anyone want to fix my micra?

hi guys

my dad is only getting just over 200 miles to a full tank of petrol about 40 ltrs. im in the process of getting all the necessary genuine parts for a service ie fuel, air, oil plugs, however, ive read some threads regarding the lambda sensor and throttlebody. so my question is

can anybody diagnose, fix and tell me what needs done to my dads car? i stay in scotland not far from glasgow, so can travel.

also, he said that the car wouldnt start in the morning and that it took ages for it to finally turn over & start. could this be dampness or something else, this has happened on several occasions

your help and advice is appreciated!

regards me
Change the leads plugs cap etc, make sure all parts of the system where necessary have seals and are dry. Had exactly the same on a K11 recently. Lambda sensor may help with the MPG. Get everything else done check the timing too.

That should all help.
Check/change the distributor cap (and rotor arm if nessasery), if it's still giving starting problems after a FULL service then you might have a problem with either the fuel pump or the distributor.

ive got all the service parts ie oil, air & fuel filter along with castrol gtx oil. can you tell me where the fuel filter is located on the micra?

kind regards me
thanks pollyp for pic

when ive done the service and im still having problems with the fuel consumption, which should i tackle next?

regards me
I'd say lambda sensor if it drives completely fine.

If it runs a bit odd, then the temperature sensor may be to blame (it might be overfueling).

After you check/replace those two, I'd try and see if your throttle body (specifically the airflow meter inside it) is okay.

Also, may seem odd but check your brakes aren't binding!!! (seized caliper piston etc.)

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